
Monday, December 27, 2010


I was lucky enough to be invited to spend the main celebration, late on Christmas Eve,  and Christmas Day lunch, with my friend Gina and her family.  As regular readers will know, Gina is a wonderful cook and when her mother-in-law is there too, the feasting never ends!  So without further ado, here is what we all ate over Christmas:

Christmas Eve began with a choice of red pasta

or white pasta with mushrooms but of course, we all had both!

Then there was fried baccalà [salt cod].  [I can't eat this because I am allergic to fish.]

Whenever Gina's mother-in-law presides, there is a wonderful polpettone

and Gina had made this steak pie:

There were condimenti of dressed peppers

and patate al forno cooked with rosemary:

There were fennel and green salads too [not shown] and then there was fresh fruit to clear the palate

before we embarked upon Gina's homemade torrone

and her mother-in-law's delicious almond biscuits:

Finally there was panettone [not shown] and then it was midnight and time to open the presents.

A good night's sleep and suddenly it was time for Christmas Day lunch, beginning with this delightful antipasti arrangement:

Then there was pasta al forno

 followed by special sausages

and this dish of meltingly tender lamb with potatoes.

After the salads, there was gel al limone

 and of course there was a tray of Sicilian pastries

followed by panettone which could be cut into star shapes:

If you're wondering if I can still stand up after that lot, the answer is just about!  Thank you, Gina and family for a wonderful Christmas.


  1. It looked wonderful....I am hungry just looking at it.

  2. Honestly this is pornography of the edible kind!

    That steak pie actually looks better than the serving suggestion on any frozen steak pie I have ever seen...

    ... looks like you had a good Natale. Did Simi get lots of leftovers..??

    Does Simi like pasta?

    I need to know this stuff for when I kidnap her.

  3. Just reminded me I haven't eaten since yesterday lunchtime.

  4. Hello Pat .. Wow what another great feast , and well done to all who cooked it .. Gina is such a great cook and I am so happy you had a lovely time with them .

    I would do a swap anyday .. Turkey , Ham, Sprouts and Swede Mash , potatoes .. bread sauce, and cranberry .. Leeks and chestnuts ... We have the same thing every year .. I try to change it , but the men in the family won't hear of it .. Next year it will be my year of doing what I would like .. GO to Italy for Christmas.

  5. That pie is making me hungry again!

  6. Hi, GCC. Oh, it was! Hi, Gleds. Simi had her own Xmas meals, with the best prosciutto. She quite likes pasta but she prefers ham. You'll have to kidnap both of us! What happened to those breakfasts, James? Hi, Anne. Yes, Gina is a fantastic cook. That's it - start a revolution! Sorry, Gleds!

  7. Oh, my goodness, that was a lot of food! My kind of holiday dining, that's for sure! It is such a joy to share a good meal with friends. Let's hope the year ahead will be more of the same!

  8. Hi, Carmen. They don't do things by halves in Sicily! I agree - there is nothing like eting good food in good company. Happy 2011 to you. It was indeed, WW.

  9. I would have been proud to roll myself out of the door had I been one of the invited guests. Gina and her mother-in-law certainly know how to put together a feast!

  10. Hi, Rowena. They certainly do!
