
Friday, November 26, 2010


Here is my pick of last week's Italy Magazine articles.

Everyone is talking about the rubbish crisis in Naples but, in the run-up to Christmas, let us not forget a more positive claim to fame that the city has.  Everyone also continues to talk about Mr Berlusconi and you really would think that the Prime Minister's manhood had caused enough trouble;  then this story broke.  If, on the other hand, you are fed up with stories of the airheads who surround him, here is the perfect antidote.

Immigrant workers in Brescia found a unique way of drawing attention to their plight but the day after this story appeared torrential rain forced them down from their crane.  

Tired of politics and protests?  Here you can learn why it will shortly be time for tea in Rome 

With an early genereal election in Italy looking increasingly likely, I wrote about my personal experience of participating in Italian elections for my Patti Chiari column.

Happy reading.


  1. I'm really surprised that more of the Naples cribs and figurines haven't made it to the States...or maybe they have and I don't shop at those presumably expensive places. I still have my little manager scene that I bought while we were living in Sicily, but it's nothing compared to the Naples ones. Still I'm happy.

    You had me laughing about the statue.

    Your last link didn't work for me and I tried a few times. It might be broken.

  2. Hi, Betty. Yes, it's strange, that. Thanks for letting me know about the link - it's working now.
