
Saturday, November 13, 2010


Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was freed "unconditionally" today. I do not wish to mar the celebrations of this day but I cannot help fearing that she will be rearrested in a replay of  the "90 days" series of arrests that we saw in apartheid South Africa.  No one is more aware of this danger than Aung San Suu Kyi herself.  Let us hope, however, that "unconditionally" means exactly that and that this brave lady is allowed to speak freely from now on.  

Of the Burmese tradition of releasing a caged bird on New Year's Day, Aung San Suu Kyi has written:

"I could not help wondering how much value there could be to a gesture of liberation that does not truly guarantee freedom."
- Letters from Burma, 1995.


  1. I join you in hopes that her freedom will truly be that.

  2. It's good news but I wonder what will happen next.

  3. My daughter-in law and her family left Burma in the early 80's. They have relatives and friends still trapped there. We are all a bit more hopeful with this gesture.

  4. She's a real lady, and she or at least a democratic government should be ruling Burma.

  5. Hi my friend

    How are you?
    I'm out of the comments pages, but now I'm come back.


  6. She's been freed many times only to be placed back into house arrest by another trump up charge. I wonder how long this freedom will last before they arrest her again. It's madness. Log on to London Telegraph for more poignant pictures of her life.

  7. Here's to that, Carmen. Are you better? Me too, jams. Hi, lakeviewer. I do hope her family and friends are safe. Totally agree, Josep. Hi, Kinha. Nice to see you. x Hi, Anne. I agree with you. That is my worry too. Thanks - I will look at the Telegraph.
