
Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It is several months since I received an email entitled, "Avid blog reader wants to meet you in Modica" and made the online acquaintance of Bill, the writer of the mail and his partner Eric.  Through further emails, I also got to know Toby, Bill and Eric's cute Yorkshire terrier and of course, they all got to know Simi.  From Bill I also learnt about the autumn beauty of his home state of Vermont and more about Bill the man by reading the poetry on his blog

Bill and Eric invited me to lunch in Modica and today I met them for real at the Osteria dei Sapori Perduti.  We had a long, leisurely meal and discussed a wide range of topics including, of course, Sicilian food!  Without further ado I'll get on with showing you some of that:

You absolutely cannot visit the Sapori Perduti without partaking of their magnificent antipasti, so we happily tucked into these dishes:

Then Eric ordered two primi, cavatieddi with aubergine sauce and pasta with maccu, a kind of broad bean paste

while Bill had fastola, a bean soup

and I had my favourite sweet ravioli with a pork sauce:

While Eric finished his primi, Bill had coniglio stemperato [the traditional Modican dish of rabbit cooked in wine vinegar] while I had grilled veal:

Finally Bill had gel alla mandorla [almond gel] while Eric and I had gel al limone:

And here we all are:

Afterwards, Bill and Eric came home with me to meet Simi, as Toby, I'm told, is expecting a full report:

It was great to meet you, Bill and Eric.  Enjoy the rest of your Sicilian trip!


  1. Delightful post and photos. Such nice people and great food. Love your hat, Pat. You look truly chic! And Simi (as always) the cutest little dog, so friendly and well brought up.

  2. Isn't it fun to meet fellow bloggers? I had such a lovely lunch in Templeton with Chris aka Enchanted Oak and, hopefully, I will get to meet others. I just wish my job hadn't ended and curtailed my international adventures.

  3. A lovely, and delicious! post.
    Blog friendships are so interesting to me - I look forward to meeting you in person some day too.

  4. Sounds like a fun day. That food looks so good. I'd love to see Vermont in the fall. I've been there in the winter and it was beautiful then too, but that was many, many years ago.

  5. You never know when or where you'll meet the rest of us.

  6. Gosh! You look smashing. Love your hat.

  7. What a lovely thing to happen! And they look like nice uncles, Simi is right!

  8. Lucky you living in Sicily! I love your blog.
    Visit me at

  9. A lovely post and so nice to meet up with our blogging friends :-)

  10. Thanks, Claude. I'm glad you like my hat and Simi says you are quite right about her! Hi, Carmen. Yes, it's great fun. I do know how you feel. Hi, Laura. It would be fantastic to meet you one day. Hi, Betty. I'd love to see Vermont in fall too. I'd love to meet you, lakeviewer. As yopu say, who knows? Very nice of you to say so, italytutto. Hi, Liz. Yes, Simi was right! Hi, Zexxy's Wife and welcome to the comments. I will visit your blog soon. I'm glad you like mine. Hi, Sally. Yes, it's great to meet fellow-bloggers.

  11. You look fabulous and I look forward to the day when we can share lunch in Modica too.

  12. Thanks, Ellee. And we will!
