
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A new bar, La Cicara - cicara being a Sicilian word for a little cup - has opened just across the road here and of course, I have been to explore it a couple of times.  I must say that the service is good and it has a very pleasant décor and atmosphere.  Today it was already crowded just before 1 pm as people stopped off for an aperitivo and to partake of the delicious complimentary antipasti on offer.

Imagine my delight when, on paying for my coffee, I was presented with this pretty little jar of sweets as a welcome gift and a thank you for my custom.  On the back, there is a quote from the singer-songwriter Vinicio Capossela:

"Il bar non ha ricordi ma i ricordi portano inevitabilmente al bar.
"The bar has no memories but your memories will inevitably lead you to the bar."

I wish Bar Cicara good luck.  Their little gift made my day and traders who will go to so much trouble to please their customers deserve success.


  1. They have earned your allegiance with such sweet and tender gifts. Greetings, and hope your weather is milder than mine today.

  2. They definitely went the extra mile! A great way to keep people coming back.

  3. Che carina! Would that it were my 'local'...

  4. Hi, lakeviewer. Yes, they have certainly done that. Sorry you're having bad weather over there. Hi, Betty. Yes, I think it's a great idea. Ciao, Arlene. Carino, davvero.

  5. Hello WL.. such a wonderful idea, I wish them all the success too:-)

    I think it is brilliant that they have made your day (and others) and as you say they want to please their customers.

    No chance of that happening in the UK .. !

  6. Hi, Anne. Yes, it was a very clever idea. A pity it doesn't happen in the UK!
