
Sunday, October 03, 2010


I adapted this from a recipe in October's Cucinare bene magazine:

Cook 300 gr risotto rice for the length of time stated on the pack in a large pan of water with a little oil, salt and a crushed vegetable stock cube.  Drain it and put the rice into a lightly oiled mould [or 6 individual moulds if you prefer].  Put the mould in an oven heated to 180 C while you prepare the sauce [for no longer than 10 mins].

Chop a red onion and a clove of garlic and cook them in 2 tablesp olive oil in a pan.  Remove 200 gr Italian sausage from its skin and mash it up with a fork.  Add the sausage to the pan and brown it, stirring.  Add  a little white wine and a tablesp honey.  [The magazine recipe says Marsala but I'm not keen on its flavour.]  Also add a goodly dollop of 'strattu [tomato paste] diluted in a little homemade tomato sauce or water.  Stir everything so that the 'strattu dissolves. [The magazine recipe uses chopped tomatoes but, as regular readers know, I'm mad about 'strattu!] Add seasalt and black pepper to taste and reduce the sauce so that it it quite thick.

Turn the rice out onto a plate, pour the sauce around it, garnish as you like and serve.


  1. Recipes, news, entertainment, history, and local folklore, all in one great blog. Grazie Patti!

  2. Grazie a te di averlo detto, lakeviewer.

  3. It looks soooo good. I can nearly smell the heavenly aroma. I never thought of using a vegetable stock cube in the water to cook risotto. Another delicious meal to prepare for my son's week-end visit. I always give you credit. I tell him, "It's from Welshcakes in Sicily." He taught me how to use the Internet. It's great that he sees (and tastes!) the results of his teaching. Merci for improving my cooking!


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  5. I love risotto - but never seen it laid out like this! Thanks for the new idea :)

  6. Thanks, CLaude. I am really honoured that you cook my recipes to serve to your son! Thank you, Michael. Hi, Rachel. It's quite often moulded here. Glad you like the idea.

  7. Hey, Claude, I love your photo here!

  8. I can't imagine sausages with rice. I am cooking Toad in the Hole this evening. Would the Sicilians like that?

  9. Hi, Ellee. I think they would be fascinated by it!
