
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


When I first came across this recipe, I decided that the editors of Cucina Moderna magazine had been reading Nigella.  I've adapted the recipe slightly, so will give it here:

Put 1 [if you are in Italy] or 2 [if you are in the UK] skinless, boneless chicken breasts in a bowl.  [If you are in the UK each half of the breast is sold as a whole "breast" whereas in Italy if you ask for one breast you will get the two halves.]  Add 2 roughly chopped onions and 2 chopped garlic cloves plus about 2 teasp brown sugar, coarse seasalt and black pepper to taste.  Add about 100 ml light coke and 2 tablsp soya sauce.  Leave in the fridge overnight.  Just over an hour before you want to serve, take the chicken out and dry it on kitchen paper, then brown it on all sides in 3 tablesp olive oil.  Dilute 1 tablesp of cornflour with 3 - 4 of water, mix and add to the marinade.  Chuck the marinade over the chicken and cook, covered, over a low flame for about 1 hour.   I decided the dish needed pinenuts so I threw in a handful of these at this point, too.  Add a little water if the mixture seems to be drying while cooking.  Take the chicken out, slice it and place on a serving plate.  Pour the marinade over it and garnish with basil leaves.

I've been wanting to imitate the potatoes cooked with capers that they serve at the Sapori Perduti ever since I tried them there, so to go with the chicken dish, here is my version:

Line a roasting dish with baking paper and brush with oil.  Cut potatoes into chunks - I refuse, as many of you know, to peel them - and put them in the dish with 2 bay leaves, seasalt, black pepper and some sprigs of thyme.  Add a handful of capers which have been preserved in salt, rinsed and drained.  Sprinkle some more olive oil over and cook at 200 C for 50 mins., then 10 mins at 180 C.

I must say these were good!

Buon appetito!


  1. This is an interesting recipe!

  2. Hi WL .. cooking chicken breasts for 1 hour seems a long time, especially after being browned , you must be right, just a thought.

  3. It turned out very well, lakeviewer. Hi, Anne. Well, that's what I did, over the lowest possible flame and the onions kind of melted and it was delicious!

  4. Interesting chicken dish. Add garlic cloves in their skin to the potatoes. I like to spread their roasted goodness on bread or just squeeze the roasted garlic in my mouth.

  5. O don't make me hungry!

    I accidentally videod a dog who reminds me of Simi (accidentally, bc I was trying to take a still photograph on my fone)... I will try and upload the film on Youtube and you can tell me what you think.

    I SO MUCH want to kidnap that doggie, but as you'll see, she studiedly ignores the phone in her face...

  6. Now I've never thought of Coke as a cooking ingredient!

  7. The potatoes look especially delicious :-)

  8. Hi, Lucia. I do add unpeeled garlic aqnd lots of it in another potato recipe. I agree with you about roasted garlic. Sorry, GLeds! Do let me know when the video is up. Nigella uses it successfully with ham, jams.
    Thery were, Cherie.

  9. The recipe for pollo allo coca-cola looks very easy to follow, I am going to make this, thank you for posting this recipe ;)

  10. My pleasure, Nunyaa. Hope it turns out well for you. x

  11. I actually met Nigella Lawson last December. She is by far my favorite cook book author. I grew up with my mom cooking ham in coke, for the longest I didnt know there was any other way. The theory was it was suppossed to make the ham less salty tasting. I have also heard about cooking ribs in the crockpot with rootbeer.On my recent tip to Gruene Texas a shop sold all types of specialty bbq sauces made from Dr. Pepper.

  12. I'm a Nigella fan and have just bought her book. Maybe you should put together a collection of recipes you have published on your blog for a book.

  13. Hi, GCC. How wonderful to have met Nigella! Interesting about the ham in coke. I've seen those sauces, too. Hi, Ellee. I'd love to do that but wouldn't know how to go about it.
