
Thursday, September 09, 2010


Here is my personal pick of last week's Italy Magazine articles:

For my Patti Chiari column I wrote about our lovely Castello di Donnafugata in Ragusa Province.  This is not the Donnafugata mentioned in Il Gattopardo or the one in Marlene de Blasi's book!

Our blog of the week was Napoli Unplugged.  Do take a look at it because I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do.

Our final summer romantic film set in Italy had to be a golden oldie so we looked at September Affair, a weepie with an improbable plot but great actors and a real tear-jerker of a theme song.

Italians, it seems, are rebelling against paying for supplementary services in hotels and, like me, many of them find minibar items to be overpriced.  Let's all rebel together!  In my opinion you can never have enough cookery books and here is one that I am determined to add to my collection, especially as the proceeds will go to the L'Aquila Earthquake Relief Fund.  My Dad [who was not religious] always said that if you wished to worship God, it made sense to do it among the most beautiful of His creations so I would love to see this tree cathedral near Bergamo. Finally, in the news section, we have two police tales:  the first made me chuckle and I loved this heartwarming story of a life saved by the swift actions of a blogger and the Catania police.  Let us hope that the young man concerned is receiving the help and support he needs now. 

I shall be participating in the Bloggers Unite World Suicide Prevention Day event tomorrow.


  1. Pat, every one of these round-ups are chockfull of great information and wonderful links. What a treat!

  2. On another note: I have recently returned to Il Gattopardo, and find it quite difficult to read (in Italian). I must have really forgotten a whole lot of vocabulary.

  3. Thank you, lakeviewer. That means a lot to me. Have you tried reading Il Gattopardo first in English and then in Italian? I tell students not to stop and look up but to press on as long as they know what happens. Otherwise the book ends up back on the shelf!

  4. Thank you again for taking us to this lovely, colourful magazine. It cheers me up! Your interviews are always so interesting. And your writing brings everything and everyone to life. To your good health, Pat!

  5. Thanks for the round up links. I especially liked reading about the l'Aquila cookbook.

  6. Thanks, Michelle. Yes, I think that's a great initiative.
