
Sunday, September 26, 2010


My friend Marcello has been absent from this blog for over a year because he has been working in the north of Italy, where his wife, Silvia, still is.  But he's been visiting his elderly parents for a few days and we met for coffee on Friday.  For newer readers, Marcello is the man whose English consists of lines from Beatles songs. He is always changing his job and I can't keep up.  Despite what Marcello says, Silvia continues to adore him.

Me: Ciao, Marcello, come stai?
Marcello: I OK but you know it ain't easy. You know how hard it can be, haha!
Me: What? Having a barrow in the market place?
Marcello: Haha! No, now I Mr City Policeman sitting...
Me: Where? In a jar by the door?
Marcello: No, it's just a rumour, haha!
Me: How's Silvia?
Marcello: She changes from day to day.
Me: Tell me why.
Marcello.  She said that living with me was bringing her down.
Me: And what did you say?
Marcello: Oh, I just sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine.
[Waitress suddenly appears with two ice creams.]
Me: Where did that come from?
Marcello: She came in through the bathroom window, haha!
Me:  You're going to lose that girl.
Marcello: Ah, you speaking words of wisdom, haha!
Me: I'll let it be.
Marcello. Well, I meeting a man from the motor trade.  Ciao!
Me: Ciao, Marcello. Say hello to Silvia.
Marcello. I tell her things we said today, haha!

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  1. This was fun! Beatlelese!

  2. Lots of fun enjoying a friend like yours.

    One of the things I love most about living in foreign countries as an expat is meeting the most wacky, interesting, or weird people from all over.

    It always keeps things interesting!

  3. Speaking in Beatlespeak - a concept I hadn't devoted a lot of time to. It has its points.

  4. Marcello will be pleased taht you like his way of talking, lakeviewer. Hello, Miss Footloose. I agree - there are always new people to keep us interested and to learn from. Hi, James. It does.

  5. At least you have plenty of songs to use in your conversations! You can chat for hours!

    -Check out the link for info on my blogaversary giveaway:

  6. Oh no! Let's hope he hibernates in winter

  7. Welcome back Marcello.

  8. Hi, Carmen. Yes, plenty of choice! I'll check out your link soon. I don't think he does, WW! I'll pass on your good wishes, Ellee.

  9. Marcello was a fun person to meet. A bit puzzling, at times!

  10. Hi, Claude. Yes, he is both those things!

  11. I do love your tales of Marcello and his 'Beatles' language...A lot of the lyrics in the Beatles music was typical of the 'lingo', used amongst teenagers in Liverpool, including myself.

    Hope you are keeping well Welshcakes, and of course, darling Simi.xx

    Di.xx Chloe send her love too!xx

  12. Thanks, Di. Love from Simi and me. xx woof!
