
Saturday, August 14, 2010


It's a while since we had a water drama but of course, there had to be one on the day before the most strictly observed holiday of the year - ferragosto:

At about 3.30 this afternoon the water lorry arrived to refill the condominio's cistern.  The driver rang my bell as someone has to go down and sign for the load, though his arrival just as I'd put my weekly application of fake tan on my legs caused much cursing in every language I know.  I hastily donned a beach cover-up and went downstairs, only to find that some selfish person had parked their car right across our courtyard entrance so the lorry couldn't get in.  Despite frantic beeps from the driver and my neighbour's knocking on doors, no one appeared to claim the vehicle.

The lady from the fourth floor appeared on her balcony just as the driver was saying he would have to come back on Monday, so I shouted what he had said to her and she shouted it to the man opposite, who had interrupted his siesta to come out onto his own balcony.  He, in turn,  made that hands-in-the-air, hopeless gesture to my fourth floor neighbour, who then made it to her son, who was just returning from  his fruitless knocking on doors errand, he made it to me, I made it back to his mother and we all made it to the driver, who flung his own hands in the air and drove off.

Personally, I think he should have driven in and crushed the car.  Could it be that I am still suffering from a little Anglo-Saxon impatience? 

If the water runs out tonight, we face all day tomorrow without any - in 40 C.

Buon ferragosto!


  1. Oh, I know that feeling of frustration. California used to have water rationing and then power rationing. One reason I moved to Oregon was to have all the water I want!

    Pat, I do feel for you. Wish I could send you our waters.

    p.s. how cinematic that gesture being shared around!

  2. Sorry you are suffering water trauma, but your description of all the hand raising was hysterical. Good luck getting through until Monday!

  3. You poor thing, why do you still put up with this? Can't you move to a place where there is a regular water supply?

  4. No he should have crushed the f=ing car!

    When the owner comes back, make sure you send Simi out to savage him/her. I'm sure Simi would be v good at savaging, if the mood took her..(!)

  5. What a disaster! Hope the water doesn't run out! I have been unable to open your blog for several days...glad I was able to finally read you!

  6. That could be uncomfortable! Fingers crossed that it doesn't run out.

  7. Anonymous11:57 am

    Thats just not funny Did you ever find who owned the car?

  8. What an arsehole the driver of the blocking car is. I hope he has some delicious karmic payback

  9. Thanks for the kind thought, lakeviewer. Glad you enjoyed that paert of the story. Hi, Laura. So far, so good, today. H_i, annechung. It's pretty much the same all over Sicily. Hi, Gleds. Good idea - I'll set Simi on the owner! Hi, Saretta. I had some trouble with the blog myself last week, then took something off the sidebar and it was OK. But Anne in Oxford had a problem with it on Friday. Anyway, glad you got back in! Hi, Rachel and welcome. We haven't rum out yet but I daren't use the washing machine in case! Hi, VM. No, but it's gone. I think the culprit must hsve fetched it at dead of night! Hi, jams. Yes, a real arsehole.

  10. What a pain, hopefully you didn't run out...

  11. I'm with you ... I would have smushed the car. Sometimes it's nice that one can park just about anywhere to run in a shop for a sec ...but at kindly respond to the honking horns. Crossing my fingers and toenails that you can make it through ... the heat we've had here in Sicily and Ferroaugusto ..not a good combo to be without ready water. Good luck!

  12. Hi, Cherie. We haven't run out yet but are still awaiting a delivery! Hi, Holly. Thanks for your good wishes. We made it but when will the promised delivery come?!

  13. Amusing and frustrating - your impatience is very understandable! How did the self-tan survive? :D

  14. Hi, amethyst. I am happy to report that at least the self-tan was none the worse for the drama!
