
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This is for my Mum, who died seventeen years ago today.  As I grow old myself, I look back and am constantly amazed at the physical energy she had when she was older than I am now.  Dad and I, who knew mental energy better, didn't understand the extent to which her determination to push herself physically was an expression of love. But I understand that now and I wish I could tell her. I also wish I could say, "Bloody hell,  I'm sixty, Mum and I need you."

For almost two years after Mum's death, music of any kind would make me cry and I tried to avoid it. Then one day when I was working at home this track was played on the radio and I sobbed as I had never sobbed before. After that, music became a solace for me again. I think a lot of women remember their mothers when they hear this song and for me, it says it all:

For Violet Rosamund Eggleton, 19.10.1917 - 31.8.1993 -  the wind beneath my wings.


  1. Thinking of you and sending loads of love and (((hugs))) your way Xxx

  2. Thank you, Posh. That is very kind and it means a lot. Hugs to you, too. x

  3. My thoughts are with you, Welshcakes. Adorable pics! Your Mum had a beautiful name, which I'm sure suited her well. You were lucky to have such a great, special relationship. Un abbraccio x

  4. Yes, at times we still want our mothers. My mom was gone nine years in July and I find myself talking to her just about every day. Especially now when I'm dealing with my dad's health issues I'll find myself asking her what I should do. Sending special thoughts your way on this day.

  5. Thank you for this post - wonderful photos and precious memories. Thank you too for the reminder that I need to enjoy my mother now while she is still around - it is not real that I won't always have the chance to talk to her. I love the song but for me it has always made me think of my daughter who is such a gift to me.

    I hope you feel your mother close to you this week.

  6. A beautiful post for a beautiful person! My thoughts are with you.x

  7. Anonymous8:40 am

    Cwtches and sws ,today is my mam's birthday,she died in 1981 far too soon and yes as I get older I miss her.
    Its funny as its also the day someone who I loved and respected as a mother in law died. I miss her wisdom and love of family
    Music is evocative , may be its because as Welsh we have music in our soul.

  8. Thank you, Amethyst. You are very kind. Yes, she did have a beautiful name. I think mother and daughter relationships can be very difficult and we certainly had our fights. But we were always open with each other and both my parents were unshockable! So as a teenager I had absolutely nothing to rebel against on the home front! Hi, Betty. I think we want our mothers at certain times throughout our lives. I "talk" to mine, too. Thank you for your kindness. Hi, Laura and thank you. Yes, make the most of your mother but don't anticipate the parting. And don't beat yourself up when you disagree - we are all only human and doing our best on this earth. I do feel her close during this period but she is always with me. Thank you, Claude. I do appreciate that. x Thank you, VM and cwtches to you, too. I could do with a nice, Welsh cwtch! I'm sure you are right about music. Hugs to you, too. x Thank you, WW.

  9. This is a lovely tribute for your mum. Whatever age you are, you never stop wanting your mum.

  10. Thanks, Ellee. That is so true.

  11. I thought of my mother on July 20 as she would have been 90 years old. I still miss her terribly, too, even in my 60s.

  12. I feel that way when I think of my grandma, she was so lovely. Then I think of the best moments that I shared with her, and all the pain goes away. Try to do the same, Pat!

  13. Hi, Leslie. I think we all believe our mothers will be there forever...Thanks, Vale. You are right.
