
Saturday, August 21, 2010


This is Giorgio the gecko, who has decided to take up residence in our flat.  He doesn't scare me unless he moves so I can just about live with his presence high up on the wall in the lounge but last night he got as far as the hall, which is too near the bedroom for my liking!

I know geckos are sweet [from a distance] and that they eat mosquitoes but I'd still be happier if he would go and live on the balcony.  I've tried talking to him and cajoling him but he just smiles at me and hides behind the bookshelves.  I don't want him to die or be killed by Simi - which is what would happen if he started exploring the floor - so if any of you have any ideas as to how I can get him to go outside [without having to handle him] I'd be very interested to hear them. 
One of my facebook friends suggested spraying him with water so that he'll lose his balance for long enough to fall to the floor and then catching him in a bowl.  But every time I get the spray bottle out he just giggles and disappears somewhere in my eighteenth century French literature section.  Talking of water, how is he managing whilst he's indoors? Is he surreptitiously drinking from Simi's bowl?

Perhaps he'll become an erudite gecko but if he would only go outside I'd happily provide him with a gecko armchair and enough reading matter to keep him happy for a while.....


  1. I don't really love geckos, in spite of the cute commercials with them in a starring role. Lizards and others of the reptilian creatures have never been my favorites. At least geckos aren't as big as iguanas. In Mexico, those things would scare the hell out of me, crawling across the patio and into our hotel rooms or surprise us by the pool!

  2. whoa ! He is a big bugger.

    We only have little tiny lizards up this end....and I think I like it that way.

  3. No idea how to get him out, sorry, but he is kind of cute, I'd be tempted to keep him.

  4. Hm, how to explain?
    Don't worry, Lady Limoncello. Gecko's by far don't do as much harm as ironic or sarcastic members of 'homo insapiens' are able to cause.

  5. I think I like Giorgio the gecko! I wish he lived with me, although I fear Alex would see him as prey.

  6. Simi, I wonnerz if dem gek-ko tingiez tastez goodz.

  7. Anonymous10:50 am

    Go get a fella to catch and put him outside- men can be useful

  8. He looks to be quite big! Certainly larger than the ones I see around here, thankfully not in doors yet, although lizards often scurry in and out. Is he noisy?

  9. Hi, Carmen. OMG, an iguana would terrify me! Hi, Sarah. Yes, he is and what if he has a lady friend behind those shelves and starts reproducing?! Hi, Posh. Yes, he is quite cute but it's really disconcerting when he moves so fast! Very wise, Sean. I'll ask him hoe he feels about emigrating, Nick. Hi, Alex. This is Simi. I'll let you know when I catch it! x woof! Hi, VM. Yes, they are but there's never one around when you need him! Hi, LindyLouMac. No, he hasn't made any noise yet.

  10. Do you know someone who would pick him up and take him out for you?

    I certainly wouldn't be able to settle with him on my wall.

  11. Hi, Cherie. The tall postman was here this morning for his English lesson and he would have taken it outside. But of course, Giorgio wouldn't show himself when he was here!

  12. What does Simi think of him?

  13. Geckos eat crickets, spiders, cockroaches, beetles,moths and any type of insect.They even eat insects bigger than themselves. All geckos eat mainly insects so you won't have problems with "things" that may like to visit you.

    I'd love one so send him over!

  14. Hi, Ellee. She thinks he's rather a spoilsport of a gecko, as - probably in his reluctance to be decapitated - he won't come down from the wall and play! Hi, DD. I'll tell him and perhaps he'll pack his little gecko-case.

  15. One time in Sicily in Campania a gecko watched me eat pasta...very disconcerting.

  16. It must have been, Lucia. He's a bit big, WW!

  17. no way could i sleep knowing he was there :-(

  18. Hi, Sally. Everybody keeps reassuring me that he won't come in the bedroom but I'm not convinced!
