
Monday, July 19, 2010


The rain we get in Sicily is not particularly soft but Matthias Claudius's words will do today.  It rarely rains in eastern Sicily in July and this afternoon's was the first rain we have seen since the beginning of May.  I have been a typical Brit, amusing my neighbours by standing under the refreshing drops on the balcony.

Sometimes I am homesick for the rain and even for a grey sky [not too much of either, though! ]  What I'll never get used to is rain coming from a cloudless, bright sky.  There is, after all, something quite comforting about a dreary, British sky promising rain and my beloved compatriots' reaction to it - that "Here we go again but we're all in this together", spirit-of-the-blitz attitude that sends us all scurrying home to put the fire on in the middle of summer.  Somehow I can never take rain  falling from a sunny sky seriously.  What's the point of rain if it doesn't make you cold and miserable into the bargain?  I expect a proper performance from my rain.


  1. We had a real downpour over here last night, wonderfully refreshing!

  2. I always love how the rain makes gardens look so fresh.

  3. We had rain yesterday, from a cloudless bright sky... makes quite a change from the very dark dull skies that make you moody. :-)

    Nothing comforting about a dreary sky, just makes me moody and peed off that I might have to stay in... but then we get a lot more of it than Sicily.. !

    I never understand this "spirit of the blitz" attitude, it is used a lot to describe certain times. But the first time I have ever read about it connected with rain .. always a first .

  4. Here in Toronto, we need rain. We want rain. Where is it? We had such a gray, unsnowing, unsunny winter. And now the persistent, too warm sun is making us utterly miserable and thirsty. Is there anything more comfotable than lying in bed under a blanket and falling asleep with the sounds of the rain on the roofs and windows? BTW, I love your photos. They're refreshing. Thanks!

  5. We had some at lunchtime today. It then became humid.

  6. I rather like going to bed and hearing the rain thrashing down on the roof. I wrap myself under my duvet and thank my lucky stars I'm warm and dry!

  7. Oh Pat, I so agree with you! You need those dark dreary skies and the chill that a good rain brings. How else can we cuddle up on the sofa with a good book and a proper cup of something cheerful or even just sit and listen to the rain fall. I love a good thunderstorm! So romantic.

    I'm writing again, I do hope you stop bye.

    Lots of love to you and Simi,

  8. Hi, Nerys. Yes, that grey sky is strange when it doesn't rain! Hi, Saretta. I think it travelled on down here! Hi, Cherie. I miss the smell of English grass after rain. Hi, Anne. Oh, we have the "spirit of the blitz", all right! Sometimes you have to be away from your homeland to understand it! Hi, Claude, I hope you get some rain soon. I agree with you aboput lying cosily in bed, listening to rain. Glad you like the photos. Very humid here, too, James. Hi, Dragonstar. Yes, I know that feelingGlad you are writing again - I'll be there. x

  9. Soft refreshing rain must be nice. I love standing out in soft refreshing rain but recently its been a monsoon.

    Can I suggest you put some empty buckets out on your balcony (just in case you run out of water again!)

  10. Hi, DD. I've got some big containers out there but the trouble is, I can't lift them!
