
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Here is my pick of the past week's Italy Magazine articles:

If you are a physically energetic person and, unlike me, are fond of the countryside - like, perhaps, my friend Sally - and are also an Italofile, there are some new trails in the Dolomites that might interest you.  If, like me, you are a city person you might prefer this exhibition and these other summer events in Milan.

American reader Nick Calvano told me the wonderful story of how he found his Italian relatives via the internet.  Part 2 of the story is coming in the mag later this week so do stay tuned.

Clooney and Canalis kept us all guessing again - will they or won't they and will it be this week?  Come on, George - do a Sarkozy! Finally I gave up and went in search of a nice animal story. Ahhhh....

For my Patti Chiari column, I explained what happens when I tell visitors from the UK that we are going to tour the syphilis museum.  Read the article to find out!

Happy reading.


  1. No such thing as too many cute animal stories :)

  2. A few years ago I would have jumped at the idea of trecking through the Dolomites. Now, I'm a small town girl in need of cultural riches whenever I travel. Give me shops, museums, restaurants and monuments, preferably as somebody else drives me around and drops me at these places. I shall try to visit the links you so generously provided. Thanks, Pat.

  3. I really enjoy reading your stories. Thanks!

  4. I really enjoy your articles each week, thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi, cb. I agree. Hi, lakeviewer. I feel the same. Thank you, Laura and Saretta.

  6. OMG how i would love to be in those mountains right now... :-) it looks a fab place
