
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Here is my personal pick of last week's Italy Magazine articles:

The magazine is running a summer series about romantic films set in Italy and we feature a "golden oldie" and a newer film on alternate weeks.  Last week was "golden oldie" week and I had the pleasure of being able to write about one of my own all-time favourites, Roman Holiday - the one in which Audrey Hepburn famously gets her hair cut "all off" by an initially reluctant Roman hairdresser and in which Gregory Peck falls for her but remains the perfect gentleman.  [Sigh - where did they all go?]

For "blog of the week" we featured When I Was Your Age - A Memoir, Rosaria D'Ambrosio Williams's blog about her journey, as a young woman,  from Italy to America and the people she left behind.  Regular commenters here will know Rosaria as "lakeviewer".

One of the first Italian cookbooks I ever bought was Valentina Harris's Italian Regional Cookery and I still use it often so I was delighted when Valentina shared her delicious recipe for peaches in white wine with ice cream with Italy Magazine's readers.  I'll definitely be making this soon!

For my "Patti Chiari" column I had fun putting together some of the idioms and turns of phrase in Sicilian dialect that I have learned since coming to live here.  I hope you enjoy them, too.

Since starting to write for the mag, I've done a lot of research into the tragic Meredith Kercher case and have become interested in it.  On Friday I summarised Amanda Knox's Oggi interview for our readers.

I've always been interested in the Medici so this was one of my favourite news stories of the week and this tale of a "wild goose chase" has to be the other.

Happy reading.


  1. I had forgotten "Roman Holiday." It's a delightful film. I must see it again.

    Alex says "hi" to you and Simi and hopes that your weather isn't as hot as ours.

  2. Hi, Nick. Yes, it's a great film. "hi" to Alex from Simi and me and love to you both. xx woof!

  3. It all sounds so interesting. What a great job you have there. Well done you.

  4. Hi, Ellee. Yes, I love this job! Thank you.
