
Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Here is my pick of last week's Italy Magazine articles:

If you're heading for Tuscany this summer, you may like to read about three great events taking place there.

Bought an iPad?  Now you need this

And what would you have done if you'd seen this?  Be honest, now!

I've yawned through more "motivational" staff training days than I care to remember so for me the funniest story of the week was this one.

For my personal "Patti Chiari" column, I wrote about my favourite Sicilian proverbs - some of which have appeared on this blog in quizzes - and what they tell us about life in Sicily.

Finally, if you want to make a quick and delicious salad, I suggest you pop over to the mag and have a look at my friend Katia's panzanella recipe. I made this last night and it was fantastic:


  1. Lots of good stuff here!

  2. I love ITALY MAGAZINE. Your articles, and many others, are so interesting and colourful. I subscribed to the Newsletter today, to keep up-to-date. I have an Italian friend, to whom I have given Il Profumo Del Pensiero. She doesn't have a computer, but she can read a few articles when she visits me. Thank you for your round-up.


  3. The salad looks fabulous.I think I have it before.

  4. Thanks, lakeviewer. I'm so glad you like the mag and are showing it to your friend, Claude. I'm sure you'll enjoy the newsletter. Hi, Lucia. I'm sure you'll have had panzanella.

  5. My favourite one was the Patti Chiari story about Sicilian proverbs, that made me really laugh! Also, I think the "How to motivate your staff" story is definitely the funniest of this week!

  6. I'm glad you liked ther proverbs story, Valentina. The "motivation day" one gave me a good laugh too!
