
Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I'd never seen a yellow watermelon before so I just had to get this one on Saturday!  Sometimes called the coco-ananas [cocomero is another word for anguria or watermelon and ananas is, of course, pineapple] I understand they are hybrids and not genetically modified.  Some sources say they taste sweeter than the red variety with overtones of pineapple and mango.  Well, this one didn't taste sweeter but it did taste divine!  There was, perhaps, a hint of mango.  Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised.

Recently I mentioned that this is the mini-fruits season in Sicily and they don't come any minier than these pears:

Here are some with a miniature pear and a full-sized pear:

Truly the tastes of summer.


  1. The mini fruit season is a pre-season, or fruit ripens faster if it is small?

  2. I doubt I could find one of them in Toronto. But your post looks so cheerful. And I discovered the delicious Petit Chef blog on the side. Thank you, Welshcakes. You bring the sun into my life!

  3. wow WL I have never seen a yellow watermelon either .. I would love to try this.. mmmm.

    You certainly have a great mixture of fruit.. I bought yesterday the Donut Peaches.. I remember you posting about them , and then I did the Donut Nectrines :-)

  4. I have no idea, lakeviewer. I'll try and find out. Hi, Claudia. You are always so kind. Thank you. Hi, Anne. Yes, I think you'd like them. Ah, the tabacchiere peaches. Those are my favourites.

  5. I wish I could try the yellow watermelon. I will look out for them here - but I bet I have no luck.

  6. I haven't seen a melon quite that yellow either. What was it like to eat?

  7. The yellow watermelon sounds tantalising - definitely on my must-try list!

  8. Hi, Michelle. I'll be interested to know if you find any over there. Hi, Cherie. Delicious! Hi, amethyst. It tastes wonderful.
