
Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Just look at these beautiful bags, handmade in Modica, which were on sale at Raffaele the hairdresser's on Saturday:

Mine's the cream one with the brown flowers - or it would be, in better times.   Which do you prefer, ladies?

And how's a girl supposed to get her summer shape back if Raffaele keeps offering treats like these pastries

and chocolate-coated strawberries?

These mini semifreddi even have sticks made of chocolate!

Alas, there is no hope....


  1. No hope at all :-)

    What a wonderful selection of bags , very cute.

    The pastries and treats all look tasty too, what a choice.

  2. My diet has gone seriously west!!!

  3. Good grief, I wouldn't be able to resist - the bags or the confections. I am a gal without any will power.

  4. Yum...that's it I'm going to the Italian Bakery today to get gelato and arancinig and maybe some pastries!!!! I need a little bit of Sicily in my life!

  5. Well chuh, all I get at the hairdresser's is a lukewarm coffee and a whole heap of gossip.

    I want choccie thingies too !

  6. I like the one on the top left which looks as if it has rosebuds on it. As for the sweets....

  7. Those bags are so beautiful! I love a beautiful bag.

  8. Mine is the white one with black spots and the black handle! I love purses that are original and I have a few myself. :D

  9. Hi, Anne. He puts the pastries out every Saturday. Mine too, Cherie. So am I, Carmen! Sounds a good idea to me, Lucia. Hi, Sarah. You'll have to start a campaign up there! That one tempted me too, WW. Hi, Leanne and welcome. I love bags, too. Hi, Leslie. Me, too.
