
Friday, May 07, 2010


There I was standing at the counter in the Altro Posto at lunchtime  when a pleasant young man came up to me and asked, "Are you Patti?" He  introduced himself as Enzo and  after a second it dawned that this must be the Modican gentleman I talk to every day on twitter.  He'd told me he was coming home for a long weekend but we hadn't arranged to meet.  It turned out that he had known my student Giuseppe, who was with me, since the latter was ten years old so we all had a jolly chat.  Isn't technology amazing?

I'd gone to the Altro Posto to get this tiramisù to celebrate Cathy's birthday at the school:

And here's Cathy [ second from left] with students Graziana and Giuseppe:

This is the present I bought for Cathy.  And now it's over to you, dear reader.  Can you guess what it is?  I'll tell you tomorrow.

The Muppets and Spike Milligan - Small World

Update - 8.5.10:  The mystery object is a thingie to hang your bag from when you're out and about and don't want to put it on the floor:


  1. I keep hearing people saying they're "tired of tirimasu" ~ if only! Tired of tirimasu=tired of life. I had some tirimasu icecream last week. It was really nice, although the top was very powdery and they could've added a few more biscuits and a glug more masarla wine ;-)

  2. That Enzo is a bit of alright isn't he! Is he for sale?

  3. Yes, it is for hanging your handbag on when you are sitting at a bar or table, I think?

    I am impressed that you have embraced Twitter.

  4. I couldn't agree more, Gleds. You should send your improvfement suggestions to the ice cream company, you know. Hi, DD. I don't think so! Got it in one, LindyLouMac. Oh, I love twitter!

  5. Didn't you meet Liz and George in Wales? And JMB? Did Simi come? And did JMB's little white West Highland Terrier come?

  6. Hi, Gleds. Yes, I met Liz in Wales but not JMB. Liz met her in Canada, though. Simi stayed home that time.

  7. Maybe I should write to the icecream co... But it came from Lidl for £1.50 and I think I'll get a letter back telling me to add my own blinkin' biscuits and splosh my own marsarla wine on top....

    Talking of languages btw, is it right they speak a distinct "dialect" ournd your way, as separate from standard Italian "as Portuguese is from Spanish"?

  8. I have never tried tirimasu, that looks divine... Oh I was going to say the object was a coin purse of some sort, how wrong could I be.

  9. Hanign handbags? Now that IS a good idea. As for Tiramisu I'm with Gledwood on this one

  10. Hi, Gleds. Go on, write to them! You might get a voucher for some free ice cream, at least. Yes, Sicilian dialect has its own grammar and is different from standard Italian. You can work most of it out if you have some French and Spanish. Oh, Nunyaa, you must try tiramisù! Hi, jams. Me, too!
