
Monday, May 24, 2010


Image: Wikitravel

Although I am not religious I do believe that there are miracles.  It's just that sometimes we don't recognise them because the miracle we are presented with may not be the one we hoped for at a given time. Rosa, who returned on Sunday from a sad journey home to Albania, has no doubt that she witnessed one, and, having heard her story,  neither have I:

Rosa and her husband had travelled to Albania the previous weekend, having received news from relatives that Rosa's sick mother had taken a turn for the worse.  Rosa arrived on the Sunday and, seeing her, her mother seemed to rally, so much so that Rosa made prepartions to return to Italy on the Tuesday.  But the sea was rough and all ferry crossings to Brindisi had been cancelled from the Monday.  On Tuesday the ferries lay at anchor in the port and the situation was the same on Wednesday and on Thursday morning. 

Thus it was that Rosa was at her mother's bedside when the old lady died on Thursday afternoon.  No one in the port town of Vlore [Valona] can remember the ferries being grounded for four days running before and Rosa is convinced that God had a hand in it.

I'm sure you will join me in offering condolences to Rosa, my steadfast helper and friend.


  1. There is little doubt that things either arrange themselves or are arranged in certain circumstances and maybe even more often.

    We don't know when we are going to matter to others and where. Someone pops up and that triggers something else and so on.

  2. Tell Rosa she is in my prayers and thoughts...

  3. I will pray for Rosa nad her mother when pray my rosary.

  4. Is James Higham trying to say that God moves in Mysterious Ways....?!??

  5. To Rosa and family, my deep sympathy. With gratitude to God for allowing you to be with your dear mother when she passed from tangible to spiritual life. Cherish your memories. Your mother is not gone very far. She is connected to your heart, and you will always feel her love whenever you need her.

  6. Yes, I believe there is a reason for was meant to be. I am glad she could say goodbye.

  7. I'm so glad that matters were arranged so that Rosa could be with her mother at that time. I also believe that miracles happen a lot more often that many would think.

    Through your blog I feel I've come to know Rosa a little. Please let her know that there's someone in Ireland thinking of her.

  8. I believe it was a miracle .. or a helping hand to make sure that Rosa was there for her mum. Please pass on condolences to Rosa.. I think she will need you now.. take care xx

  9. Everything happens for a reason and I am sure the seas were just that way so that Rosa was able to be with her mother as she moved on.

    Sending some love to Rosa xx

  10. Yes, I do see what you mean James. I will, pink. Thank you. Thank you, GCC. Rosa will appreciate it. Hi, Gleds. I think so. That and that our lives touch those of others in many ways. Thank you, Claudia. Rosa and her family will appreciate your heartfelt message. Hello, Miss B. Yes, I think so, too. Rosa will really appreciate knowing that, Dragonstar. Thank you. I will pass on your message to Rosa, Anne. Thank you. x I believe that, too, Cherie. She will appreciate your love and kind thoughts. xx

  11. I'm very sorry to hear of Rosa's loss.

  12. Rosa will appreciate your kind thoughts, Ellee.
