
Sunday, May 02, 2010


"Technology has left me behind", said a friend of mine the other day.  I know how she feels but I fear it is fashion that has got me completely confused these days, reader.

In recent years I've observed that it's de rigueur to show your underwear, obligatory to wear low-waisted jeans - will someone please tell me where you can find any that aren't? - which cause everyone but the First Lady of France and la Beckham to show their muffin-tops and that cardies and boleros that look as if they've shrunk in the wash are considered stylish.  Talking of the new-fangled bolero, does anybody know how to wear one? I mean, what are you supposed to do with the sleeves?  Then there are jumpers which finish in a clingy cuff in the very place where you need them to be a bit loose and hide your sins. Who designs all this unflattering clobber? Olive Oyl?

Image: Wikimedia Commons.

But if the above trends are annoying, the latest in trousers is the worst fashion catastrophe since hotpants.  In case you haven't seen them, Sicily Scene announces that Andy Pandy trousers, with gathered cuffs at the ankles, are now in fashion!  These only look good on ... well, Andy Pandy, so here he is:

And here's the modern version, in Italian:

Which is better? For me there's no contest! How about you? And what are your fashion hates?


  1. Anonymous12:57 am

    Andy Pandy was the first thing I ever saw on television. Grainy black and white. I suppose I must have been aged about 5. Totally irrelevant to your fashion woes, I know, but significant to me. Thanks for the memory. (Andy Pandy Scott)

  2. Hello, Andy Pandy Scott. AP was probably the first thing I saw on TV too. I loved Teddy!

  3. Ah, fashion! Not even on my radar, these days. However, the local high schoolers keep me in the know.

  4. Oh I for one do not like to see anyone's underwear, whether they are on some stud or sexy hot girl. Don't care if they are built for comfort or speed. How feral to be showing your undies, just looks cheap and nasty to which it is. I am with you on this Welshcakes. What is wrong with a tad of common decency and respect for those around you instead of flashing yourself for all and sundry to view.

  5. I think I must be old. I hate everything in the shops, but I still can't bring myself to give up and spend all my money in the "elasticated waistband and swathes of acrylic" old lady department.

    I may even just bite the bullet and start ordering from NEXT now they post to Italy, they seem to be the only shop that caters for the over forties that don't want to show off pubic bones, but at the same time haven't sprung a tight perm and a love of polyester the second the candles on the cake got blown out.

  6. It's definitely a recycle of style. Not that that is a good thing at all. I like my waist band higher than halfway down my butt and lower than my waist. That way I can eat and swell and not be uncomfortable.

    I seem to recall reading an article where the pants to the knees "style" was modeled after street gangs. That's really great...let's make delinquents our model.

  7. My favorite fashion hate is jeans cut low enough to show that a wearer is wearing a thong. Something I really don't need to see.

  8. Me too, showing our age here! As for clothes I find it annoying that clothes either seem to be for the young and fashionable or for the old and dowdy and I am neither!!!!

  9. I find it increasingly difficult to find stylish clothes.

  10. I wholeheartedly agree - and add dresses and skirts with hemlines above the knee

  11. When is fashion ever designed for women who aren't stick thin Welshcakes,,,,,

  12. I hate low wasted jeans but usually find some in marks and spencer that are not too low :-)

    you will never catch me in andy pandy trousers.

    most fashion these days are for the younger generation but i do love the maxi dress that seems to be about at the min :-)

  13. Hi, lakeviewer. You look fab in your blog header pic! Totally agree, Nunyaa. How nice to see you. Hello, Sarah and welcome. I feel exactly the same! I didn't know "Next" were delivering to Italy now. Must have a look. Hi, Bev. Great, as you say, if we all have to look like delinquents! Couldn't agree more, Flutterby. We seem to be showing our age in good company, LindyLouMac! Hi, Cherie. What a pity it's like that over there. But you always look very chic in your photos. Me too, KQ. Hi, jams. Agreed but that doesn't make it OK! Hi, Sally. Good old M&S! I'm all for the return of the maxi dress.

  14. Oh boy....Andy Pandy was my hero in the early 50's. My Grandparents owned a black and white TV which has a small screen housed in a very big mahogany unit and I sat on the dining table in the parlour so that I was eye level to watch Andy because he was my hero.

    That was before I was introduced to Bill and Ben and my loyalties moved to the "little weeeeeed"

    Nothing to do with fashion but thanks for bringing some happy memories back.

  15. The boys in my hairdressers' wear very low trousers. One day I am going to be unable to stop myself grabbing them and yanking them up!

    You always look very smart anyway, welshcakes!

  16. Hi, DD. I never missed Andy Pandy as a kid. I loved the "little weed" too but I couldn't stand "Rag, Tag and Bobtail". I loved the "Woodentops" too but I think they came along a bit later. Thanks, Liz. When I next come over I'm coming to your hairdresser's!

  17. Hotpants with (and without) black tights!

  18. The big thing over here is Uni girls wearing shorts and galoshes.

  19. As it's been said, 'style' is following one's own aesthetic; 'fashion' is following someone else's.
