
Tuesday, April 13, 2010


An April evening and it is warm enough to sit on the terrace of the Altro Posto and have a colour-coordinated coppa di frutta:


  1. And yet another reason to envy you! :-)

  2. You really have the talent to find and share the joys (big and little) life can provide for us through friends, nature, music, poetry, fashion and delectable food. Also, very often, your compassionate heart opens my eyes on the sadness and unfairness which afflict the less fortunate in the world. I'm grateful to you for enlarging my horizon. Merci for your posts, Welshcakes.

  3. That sure looks good!

  4. When I remember to buy a lottery ticket and win, I hope to join you on your patio for a glass of wine some evening!

  5. The gelato season's returned - hurrah!

  6. That looks so delicious! Our weather's great at the moment - but soon we'll have the vicious midges :(

  7. Not warm enough in Northern Lazio yet :(

  8. On the terrace, no less!

  9. I'm with Gary! Just a bit!

  10. Sitting outside in the April evening...a dream for us still (and will probably continue to be so). Oh you lucky sicilians!

  11. Hi, Gary. No one makes gel;ato like the Sicilians! Claudia, I am very touched by your comment. Thank you so much. You alwys encourage me. Hi, Bettyu. It was! That would be wonderful, Carmen. Hurrah, indeed, WW. They are not in all the bars yet but they are slowly appearing. Hi, Dragonstar. Oh, I sympathise. Parts of Cardiff have been invaded by midges ever since the Bay development. Hi, LindyLouMac. At least you get to breathe in summer up there! Thought of you when I was there, James. Hi, lakeviewer. I'll have one for you next time! Hi, Rowena. Yes, the heat is nearly upon us. and when it is, I envy you up there!

  12. When were you up here? Do let me know if you are ever likely to be in the Viterbo/Lago di Bolsena area.

    I also noticed just to day that you are a Taurean, as am I :)

  13. Our evenings are getting that way here too!

  14. Hi, Ellee. One thing I do miss is a long, light, summer evening.

  15. Hi, LindyLouMac. Oh, a long time ago! I will certainly let you know. The blog is Taurean. I'm Aquarian!
