
Friday, March 19, 2010


To start the weekend on a lighter note, here is a short article of mine that was published in Italy Magazine yesterday:

Fifty or so town hall officials in Rome decided to protest against the slow bureaucratic process of the city’s 2010 budget by pulling their trousers down on Monday.

They carried banners saying that the city’s Mayor, Gianni Alemanno, of Mr Berlusconi’s Pdl Party, had “reduced them to their underwear”. Other banners criticised the abandoned state of parks and public gardens and blamed the number of homeless people in Rome on the current administration.

The workers suspect that the budget is being delayed because it contains unpopular taxes. They are concerned because no new projects can begin without the release of the 2010 budget funds.

Quite why the officials thought their “show a leg” protest would be effective is anyone’s guess. But hey, it got the photographers round!


  1. This reminds me of a protest rally that was to be held in Melbourne - not sure if it's going ahead - I've not heard anything further, but a rally was being organised for nude, naked, bare-skinned, pant-less cyclists were to parade their wares (wears - no where!) through the city. I'm not sure what the protest was to be about!

    I think there would be a few protests, however, just about the mental images it causes!!! Ouch!

  2. At least they have a sense of humor...politics here, sadly, is no laughing matter and San Francisco is going to hell, I fear.

  3. We;; that is an unusual protest.Haha!

  4. At least, they bothered to justify their method of protest! Well done for them.
    I gave you a little award in my blog, hope you like it. :)

  5. I suspect the getting the photographers round was the whole point of the protest. A media stunt to raise awareness of their complaint

  6. Hi, Lee. That sounds like fun! Hi, Carmen. Yes, there is that to be said for it. Hi, jams. Yes, and it got the attention they wanted. Hi, fullet. I take my hat [but nothing else] off to them too! Wow! An award - thank you! Hi, Cherie. I think so, too.

  7. Hi, WW and Liz. I think so too!
