
Saturday, March 27, 2010


From a rant to something that makes me happy - well, several things that make me happy, actually.  First of all, I am delighted to have received the "Happy Award" from my friend fullet in Catalonia.  Thank you, fullet.

Now I have to pass the award on to the authors of ten blogs that make me happy.  Only ten? There are lots of blogs that make me happy, but, since I must limit the number I mention here, I'm going to award some of the Italian bloggers.  I'm about to cheat and pass the award on to eleven wonderful blogs about Italy, though!

1.  Romancing Italy
2.  Ciao Amalfi
3.  Bella Baita View
4.  Rubber Slippers in Italy
5.  Holly Berry's World
6.  Bell'Avventura
7.  Gatto 999
8.  lost in Sicilia
9.  loveSicily
10. italy tutto - top blogs on italy
11. A Welshie in Italy

Visit any of these blogs for a great read!


  1. Hi Pat.... Congratulations on your award, so great when this happens.. :-) Be Happy !!

  2. You're most welcome, Pat. I know one of these blogs and now I'll visit some of them. Hey, you've posted a lot the past two days, that's so cool!

  3. Thanks, Anne. Yes, it does cheer me up! Thank you again, fullet. Well, work commitments mean I miss one or two evenings in the week, so I tried to make up for it.

  4. Thank you for the award! I must say that it's something that I can appreciate at this very moment. The weekend was beautiful and we were able to get out and about with some hiking and exploring. Now, if only the weather will behave for Pasqua e Pasquetta!

  5. Thank youso much for the award Pat. Your blog never fails to make me smile - it is a really happy blog! LoL

  6. My pleasure, Rowena. All hoping the weather holds down here too, as Pasquetta was rained off last year. Buona Pasqua to all of you. You are very kind, italytutto.

  7. Thank you so much!
    When I flew over your beautiful island of Sicily a week ago, I was awstruck and thought of you...

  8. My pleasure, Scintilla. I knew I felt good vibes coming from somewhere!

  9. Ciao Pat! Congratulations on your award! What a perfect award for you and Sicily Scene!

    How do you say "better late than never" in Italian? I missed your comment on my blog telling me to come over here until now. Thank you for making my evening a happy one! :-)

  10. Hi, Laura. Always a pleasure to see you and thank you. "Meglio tardi che mai." Talk to you soon!
