
Friday, February 05, 2010


Valentine's decoration in the Via Sacro Cuore.

I was having a good morning till I went into the bank. I hate the places at the best of times and at the worst of times they really scare me! Today I was not happy to be told that it is going to take them ten working days to clear a cheque and I was feeling very disgruntled by the time I'd acquired some heavy shopping and was on my way to work.

Then a dear elderly chap whom I often see and who has always greeted me effusively, though I don't know his name and I'm sure he doesn't know mine, insisted on carrying my shopping bag down the street to the school, although he was really headed in the other direction. My mood and the day suddenly became sunny.

A little kindness really can help in more ways than we can imagine.


  1. A little kindness does indeed go along way, and can mean more than a big gift..Bless him, he just wanted to be friendly and helpful, I am sure it meant a lot to him to do it. :-)

  2. You met a real angel! [:-)

  3. A true gentleman! Isn't it nice to know a few still exist and nice that he brightened your day.

  4. That is so true!

  5. You're so right! And often, nice posts, like yours, truly brighten my days. Thank you!

  6. What happened to my comment? I know I said something about how wonderful that there actually are a few gentlemen left in this world!

  7. its the simple things in life that can mean so much :-)

  8. A lovely story and so very true. Kindness and good manners take nothing more than a bit of time and make such a positive impact. I'm glad the day is looking up for you!

  9. Hi, Anne. It certainly does. It lifted my heart. I think I did, Nick. Hi, Carmen. Yes, it is reassuring. Hi, Betty. Glad you think so, too. Thank you, Claudia. Now you have brightened my night! Hi again, Carmen. Sometimes I don't get to the computer till very late. Hi, Sally. You are absolutely right. Hi, Lady M and thank you.

  10. Random acts of Kindness....Pay them Forward....What a nice man. It is a blessing to recieve as well as give.

  11. You are absolutely right, GCC.

  12. Very sweet! Love random acts of kindness!

  13. Kindness means a lot to me too.
    It's disappointing that cheques still take so long to clear in this day and age. It's ridiculous.

  14. Hi, Lucia. Me, too. Hi,Ellee. Yes, ridiculous.
