
Monday, January 04, 2010


There are so many wonderful seasonal posts out there but tonight I want to tell you about two that made me laugh a lot and also draw your attention to two that are, quite simply, lessons in courage.

Fullet's post about the Catalan "shitting log" tradition first had me worried, then fascinated and finally roaring with laughter. I recommend it, especially if you have the post -Christmas blues.

The Devonshire Dumpling's self-deprecating humour over at NoClue always cheers me up and her eclectic tales of Christmas goings-on down in deepest Devonshire are first class. I particularly liked her "It's Been Sunday for the last 10 Days" post and her follow-up today is a gem. Thank you for the gong too, DD, even if it is aimed directly at my head!

My friend Maria from across the pond was a very sad lady this time last year but if anyone is living proof that we can bounce back after seemingly insurmountable difficulties, it is Maria. The path back that she has chosen would not be mine but I admire her for finding it in the tangled jungle of this life and I am so happy for her. Maria has been a loyal follower of this blog from the beginning and I want to thank her for that, too. Do take a look at her new blog, Gratitude Café, the title of which reflects her positive attitude

Finally I can only urge you to read this post by Betty of Daydreamn World for she and her son, Reid, are examples to us all. My thoughts are with you both, Betty and I'm sure other readers here will join me in wishing Reid a full recovery in 2010.


  1. Thanks for pointing to these posts. I'm on my way for a "look-see."

  2. Dear Welshcakes L.
    Dropping by to wish you the Happiest New Year yet!! Also, to thank you for leading me to the post about the "shitting log" !!!

    May you continue to be blessed in every way ~
    Thank you for being YOU!

  3. I will definitely check out your recommended posts but it will take me a few days. I'm am getting frozen in this sitting position at my computer. I did try to go out to the city last night to hear some music but, alas, for some reason, the group wasn't playing. That was all my exercise for the day.

  4. That's so kind of you, Pat. Thank you very much!

  5. Thank you very much for my mention. I loved the other blogs that you quoted and have added them to my daily reads.

  6. Hi, Nick. I hope you like them and Buon'Epifania. Hello, Rochambeau. Glad you like that post. Thanks for your very kind good wishes. Buon'epifania! xx Hi, Carmen. Sorry you're getting frozen. I know the feeling. Buon'Epifania to you. My pleasure, fullet. Hi, DD. My pleasure. I'm so pleased that you like the other blogs. Buon'Epifania.

  7. I'll have to check these out too Welshcakes. Shitting log? Who could resist that hook?

  8. Hi, jmb. I agree - irresistable!

  9. We all have our ups and downs and it's good to share them with friends here.
    Belated happy New Year to you Welshcakes.

  10. Thanks so very very much! What a wonderful surprise and so very appreciated! (((HUGS))) for you and Simi!


  11. Hi, Ellee. Indeed we do and blogging friends like you are always a great help. x Marie, I meant it. You deserve the VERY BEST. Love from Simi and me. xx woof!
