
Friday, January 29, 2010


This is an article of mine which was published in Italy Magazine on Monday and Simi the dog insists I share it with all of you!

It’s been a very long road home for Rocky, a five-year old German Shepherd dog who was stolen while on holiday with his owner when he was two. His owner, a Syrian man named Ibrahim Fwal who lives in Carrara [Tuscany] was distraught for he and Rocky had been inseparable. Rocky had been particularly fond of riding with his master on his scooter. Over the past three years, Mr Fwal had never stopped looking for Rocky.

Rocky was later either abandoned by his dognappers or escaped from them and was then taken in by a family in Salerno [Campania]. But he kept trying to run away and succeeded in November last year. By following the coast, Rocky walked as far as Pisa where a man found him and contacted the Salerno family. Poor Rocky was in a pitiful state: he was thin and dirty and his paws were blistered.He was taken to a vet who, through a tattoo on Rocky, was able to contact Mr Fwal.

Dog and master had a joyful and emotional reunion with Rocky nearly knocking Mr Fwal down. After walking 600 kilometres up Italy, Rocky travelled the last 100 in style, back on Mr Fwal’s scooter.


  1. Unbelievable story! Loved the proverbs on the previous post. Most I could read and make sense. But not all. Great that you have both the language and the dialect down pat.

  2. Wow! what a journey, so good it had a happy ending :-)

  3. Now that's a happy ending I like!

  4. Hi my friend

    I think dogs are more inteligents them we believe, they are.
    My dog, named Sula, when the lunch or dinner are on the table, she barks until my husband and I have sitted.


  5. I love a story with a happy ending!

    I've beem caring for a feral cat for nine years. A week ago we had work done on our house and when the workmen came in the back yard she took off. We haven't seen her since. I keep putting food our and calling her, but so far no luck. I feel so bad for her.

  6. Hello Pat, this is a super story, but such a shame for the dog and the owner, that it had to happen. But a happy ending, thank goodness for the tattoo.

  7. What a delightful story and such a happy ending....Good old Rocky...he certainly 'rocks' use an Ophrah 'Winfreyism'.


  8. This is one of those stories that hardly seems true! what an incredible dog, what an incredible reunion!!!

  9. What a story. The man must be an unusual Arab (he is Arab..yes?) ~ for they traditionally don't like dogs.

    I read a really funny story in Queen Noor of Jordan's memoirs, where one of the palace's European staff had a toy dog. He used to walk it through the souks of Amman every day to queries of "what IS that..?" They didn't even know what animal it was!!

  10. Well we can do with some good news for a change.

  11. What a lovely ending to the story!

  12. Hi, lakeviewer. Glad you liked the proverbs. I guess at the dialogue! Hi, Cherie. Yes, what a journey! Me too, jams. Hi, Kinha. What a clever dog you have! I think they are more intelligent than us! Hi, Betty. I do hope you find her. Hi, Anne. Yes, I cried when I discovered this story! Hi, Trubes. I like that - "Rocky rocks." Hi, Lost. I'd love to have seen the reunion. Hello, Gleds. I didn't know Queen Noor had written her memoirs. I will look out for it. Love that story. Hi, James. That's what I thought. Hi, Liz. Yes, I was so glad they were reunited.

  13. amazing! this is why animals can be so much better than humans!


  14. Hi, Marie. I think they have more sense!
