
Friday, January 22, 2010


This is an article of mine that was published in Italy Magazine today:

British football hero David Beckham was just telling an Italian reporter how nice the people of Milan had been to him when all of a sudden his genitalia were grabbed by Elena Di Cioccio, star of the comedy and reportage TV show “Le Iene” [“The Hyenas”].

Di Cioccio had reminded her TV audience that Beckham had been the – er – organ of Armani underwear advertisements until recently when he was replaced by Cristiano Ronaldo. She said that she wanted to find out for herself whether Beckham really was well endowed in that area and joked that his wife, Victoria, had compared her husband’s reproductive anatomy to an exhaust pipe.

Then a glove-clad Di Cioccio went in search of her prey. Beckham looked surprised and puzzled when the deed was done – as well he might – and was quickly hustled away by his security men. Di Cioccio ran after Beckham’s car, shouting,

È piccolo, David! Ci hai presi in giro!” [“It’s small, David! You’ve been kidding us!” ]

A security man who seemed to be rather amused stopped Di Cioccio from reaching the car.

British newspapers reporting the story on Thursday night are expressing outrage.

What do you think - outrage or a bit of fun? And if the assailant had been a man and the target a woman?



  1. Wow. I think she really crossed the line. It wouldn't be cool if he grabbed her boobs to see if they were real or fake.

    Great article! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. David Beckham is absolutely gorgeous. I felt it was inappropriate for him to be groped in that manner and then be degraded and ridiculed by her chasing after him screaming that his penis was small. He handled it well . I didnt think it was funny, I thought it was crass. Just another episode of the Jackass TV mentality.

  3. I think this is hilarious!

  4. Maybe I'm too much of a po-faced Brit but I found it uncomfortable and a step beyond acceptable. I think even for public figures, there has to be a line which isn't crossed and this crosses the line..

  5. In these PC times and if it had been in Britain, she'd have been put away for a long stretch. At least Italy seems to have humour still.

  6. Crass and tacky physical aggression, that's what I say! Even Beckham should have the right not to be fondled by strangers!

  7. Well.... he, and his wife, did rather 'put it out there' no? So I'm thinking he is fair play in that area. If you want to keep your privates to yourself, then keep them 'undercover'. he he I find it all rather amusing.

  8. Outrage and the same if assailant had been a male and the target a woman.

  9. Well, male or female, I don't agree that anyone has the right to touch anyone else's genitalia or as we always taught the children when I worked in the field of child sexual abuse, their "private parts" without their permission.
    I think David's reaction was totally appropriate and the reporter could easily have been arrested in the U. S.

  10. Tacky, rude, inappropriate, unprofessional and way way way over the line.

    Nothing funny about it. If she doesn't know how to act in public, she should stay home.

    Made my way over from Romancing Italy as I'm out doing some blog walking.

    Traveling Suitcase

  11. Interesting division of opinion here. I must admit I thought it was funny but I wouldn't have had it happened to a woman. But it does happen to women all the time. I'm not altogether convinced it wasn't a publicity stunt as she got awfully close to a well-guarded man. Whatever one may think about Becks, I understand he's a very nice man and I'm sure he's got a sense of humour about it.
    Nice to meet you, Sandy.

  12. I wanted to see what everyone said before commenting more fully.

    That sort of behavior either way is sexual assault.

    But like you I do just wonder if this was a publicity stunt there were too many subtle smiles in gleams the eyes.

  13. It was a bit beyod the mark... Hold on Posh compares him to and exhaust pipe? something grimy, made of metal and spews poison... hmmm!

  14. In length, jams - and she didn't really say it. Hi, Ellee. I still wonder if he knew.

  15. I laughed when I read that WL although I fear my sense of humour may dry up swiftly if journalists were to grope me!

  16. That show is always a riot. Thanks WL, my gut may be hurting from laughing so hard, but I won't complain for the good endorphins running through my body at this moment!

  17. Hi, WW. I think mine would too! Hi, Rowena. I must admit it gave me a good laugh too.
