
Thursday, January 21, 2010


Rosa and I were strolling along with Simi this morning when a car behind us beeped us to get out of the way. Admittedly we were not using the pavement as it is slippery and I've fallen on it before.

"Siete mal educate!" ["You've been badly brought up!"] yelled the driver.

Oh, well, once a naughty girl.....

Later I went to buy fruit from one of the roadside lorries and my conversation with the seller went like this:

Seller: Hello, bambina, how's the dog?
Me: She's fine, thank you. 2 kilos of mandarini, please.
Seller: You can have the crateful for 10 euros, bambina.
Me: Thank you but it's too heavy.
Seller [flexing his muscles]: I will carry it to your home, bambina.
Me: OK, then, and half a dozen apples, please.
Seller [putting 12 in the bag but only charging for 6]: For you, bambina.

Then he gestured to his mate to look after the lorry, loaded the crate onto his shoulder and followed me home.

"Always ready to help, bambina", he said as he took his leave.

It's at times like this that I remember how much I love Italy.

Can you tell from a glance at my kitchen table that I'm a British woman living in Sicily?


  1. Wow how fantastic is that man... so great, wouldn't get that in the uk...and just look at all your fruit....That is why you LOVE SICILY :-)

  2. Oh, I'm so jealous...that would be that day here in California. My hubby is a gentleman, but he's a rare find.

  3. Ciao Bambina!!!

    Oh my .. have to love those italian men, don't we?

    Now I hope I don't have to worry about you picking up strange men! lol

    Next time take a picture so we can see who is escorting our bambina home! What a flirt! lol

    Do hope you're well sounds like it! Table looks great, every time I read your blog I always think, why don't I post more of my own pictures?? Inspiration again and again! Grazie per tutti bambina!

    Ciao, M

  4. Bambina, huh, how sweet. And a badly brought up one, at that! But surely your fruit seller is fond of you and such a gentleman to carry the mandarinas to your home and I bet they are you'll have lots of vitamin C as you peruse Good Housekeeping!!

  5. I'm charmed. Enjoy the "bambina" appellation as long as you can.

  6. Great story! I still say that most people in the world are good people.

  7. That was awfully sweet of him!

  8. It seems we are all crazy about citrus fruit these first winter days in Sicily. I am writing about oranges all the time ;)! ...and eating them of course!

  9. Che carina,'bambina'! Happy reading...

  10. Didn't anyone teach that man not to yell at innocent passers-by?!??

  11. This post reminded me of the song 'Ciao ciao bambina'.
    I would love to be called bambina and given fruit !

  12. Wow I don't get that service at Tescos!

  13. You bought a crateful of mandarins?

  14. That reminds me of the time my car battery failed and I persuaded the seller to bring it to my car and fit it ;-)

  15. It certainly is, Anne. Hi, pink. I thought service was good over there? Ciao, Maria and thank you. I'll try and behave myself!x Hi, Carmen. I think he likes Simi! I eat a lot of fruit. I will, lakeviewer. I agree, Betty. Such a pity that the badies so often get the headlines. It was, Saretta. Ciao, ciao, WW e grazie! Hi, Katia. I loved your oranges article and the recipe today. Thanks, amethyst. I don't think so, Gleds! Yes, I keep thinking of that song, too, Scintilla. You'll have to come to Sicily! Would you like to be called "bambina", jams? I did, James. You were lucky there, Cherie.

  16. Such great service too. My mum likes a good bargain like that.

  17. Hi, Ellee. Yes, fantastic service.
