
Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The aroma of these arancini mignon was too tempting for me to resist when I stopped to buy some meat on the way home. From left to right, they are filled with spinach, saffron, aubergine [front] and ragù [back].

And this morning Rosa brought me Albanian bakllava. She said it takes her and her sister-in-law nine hours to make bakllava. It was worth it, Rosa!


  1. If your diet had to be broken, at least you had some wonderful treats to break it with!

  2. And I thank you for compromising your diet as well. I never thought of putting aubergine or spinach into them and will have to give it a try for myself! Could you tell us the order of which you prefer the best?

  3. enjoying my last few days of eating before back on my slimming world plan

  4. I couldn't resist these foods either...much too tempting!

    By the way, I decided to make my blog private, but I would (of course) love for you to keep reading. If you'd like me to put you on the list, email me at Thanks!

  5. my mouth is watering! Abergine in a Arancini...heaven!

  6. This happened to me 1000 times, Welshcakes. I never regretted it. Why resist a tempting aroma, or the special baking of a friend? I diet on my own ordinary, boring food days. I must admit that you have changed some of them with your flavourful recipes. I'm grateful.:)

  7. Explain the bakliava.

  8. Hi, Holly. Indeed I did! Hi, Rowena. Well, I always like the ragù ones but I was very impressed by the saffron one and I think that was my favourite of these. Sally, you don't need to diet! We all envy you. Hi, Emily. I'll send you an email. Ciao, Lucia. Yes, heaven! Hi, Claudia. Thank you - you have relieved my guilt. And I'm so glad you've tried some of my recipes.Hello and welcome "Together we save". It was! Hi, James. It's a sweet, phyllo-like pastry in several layers and flavoured with chopped nuts and syrup or honey. It is made in Greece, Albania, Turkey,Iran and throughout the Middle East.

  9. It matters not how profoundly I say I'm going to diet. Any delectable food will make me go astray. It's a good thing these tidbits are only available to me via your blog! I'm safe for the night, at least!

  10. Hi, Carmen. Diets are for breaking!

  11. I am trying very hard to stick to my diet. I didn't do well last week!

  12. Neither did I, Cherie. I'll start again on Monday!
