
Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Take a look at this video of a tornado which struck Catania between 3.30 and 4 pm yesterday. Two people were injured in the city and tragically, four naval officers were seriously injured when the tornado struck their helicopter hangar at the Maristaeli Base. One of them has since died. At Motta Sant'Anastasia, 15 kilometres away, roofs were blown off houses and trees were felled.

Tornado a Catania - 14.12.09

Here in Modica a Scirocco wind and lightning caused an electricity blackout just before 7pm and it lasted about half an hour. Cathy and I were just about to send our students home when the power came back on.


  1. Can make soups like you can also be that be there then by the possible like we? I ready to help.

  2. The winds can be bad..oh dear thats not good :-(

  3. Hello, Mutley. Quite so.

    Hi, Anne. Yes, awful winds.

  4. That is pretty terrifying. I remember, as a child of six, living on my aunt and uncle's farm in Alabama, going through a tornado. One house on their property ws completely blown away. A baby, that was visiting, was blown, unhurt, nearly a mile from the house, then let down in a field!

  5. Tornados are unusual there aren't they? I don't ever recall hearing about any when we were there. While living in Oklahoma we had to hide in the closet one time when the sirens went off. The dog growled and the cats hissed, but we were safe.

    Something is up with my computer and sometimes when I try and visit your blog (and others too!) my computer freezes up and I can't get in. I've got to get my son over here to check it out.

  6. Impressive. Well, from the safety of my pc.

  7. Not the season to be a boat refugee

  8. I've been in Catania and have seen those huge waves that beat against the coast line near the train station. They are gigantic.

  9. Hi, Carmen. Thanks for sharing that memory. That's amazing about the baby. Hi, Betty and welcome back. Yes, tornados are unusual though we had a hurricane a couple of years ago. That must have been scary in Oklahoma. I have the problem of my computer freezing with some blogs too - don't know why. Hi, Calum and compliments of the season to you. Best place to be! You are right, WW. Hi, Anne. Yes, I've seen those, too.

  10. Oh that is scary and a very bad time of year for something like that to happen.

  11. We have snow blizzards here at the moment and my lights keep flickering on and off. I have torches by my side in case the electricity is cut off suddenly.

  12. Hi, Cherie. Yes, a very bad time. Hi, Ellee. Electricity went here last night. Slept with torch on. Are you OK today?
