
Saturday, December 19, 2009


If clementines and oranges with their leaves still on are lovely, lemons with the leaves attached are heavenly and always seem exotic to me:

These little apples from Etna are a delight. They are an old variety called mele cola and are full of flavour:

But I had to ask a friend to send me a seasonal cranberry supply from Britain:

Hey! I can make cranberry sauce so it really is Christmas!

The apples reminded me of an old song. Take it away, Francis Albert...

Frank Sinatra - Little Green Apples


  1. Great post ..I love the fruit with leaves on , makes me want to buy more :-)

  2. When we lived at Sigonella we had two lemon trees in our front yard! But it's the blood oranges that I still miss.

    I think I remember you saying last year that you couldn't get cranberries in Sicily. I buy bags this time of year in the grocery store and freeze them for use during the year. Have you ever tried freezing them?

  3. I bought some lemons about 2 weeks ago. They weren't bundled all together. Lined up separately in a cupboard...

    ... and the whole lot went OFF!

    How exceedingly inconvenient!!

  4. Ahh thoose lemons look great Welshcakes.

  5. Those lemons are heavenly I have never seen them like tha.

  6. Everything from Mt Etna tastes incredible. I remember buying a pear from a stand in Acireale, I'll never forget that pear, it was the sweetest fruit I've ever eaten. Since then I've bitten into pears and thrown them away, nothing has ever come close to the sweetness.

  7. never made my own craberry sauce but something i would like to do :-)

  8. They look so wonderful and I am sure you will put them to good use.

    You are lucky to be able to have the cranberries sent as nothing like that can come across our borders without a lot of hassle. I guess the EU is open to that.

  9. Hi,m Anne, I still find it a marvel. Hi, Betty. Must have been lovely to have lemon trees in the garden. Yes, I used to freeze them successfully in the UK. Hi, Gleds. Most inconvenient! I would keep them in the fridge, though. They are, jams and Cherie. Hi, Anne. You're right. It must be the soil of that area. Thanks for sharing that memory. Hi, Sally. It's really easy to do 'cos they set without any trouble! Hi, jmb. I will! You're not supposed to carry fruit across borders in the EU but everybody does!

  10. Are you cooking turkey WL?
