
Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As soon as I saw this pure white chocolate with mint, I knew I had to make a semifreddo from it so I invented this:

First of all line a 2lb loaf tin with cling film. Chop 100gr white chocolate with mint and 50 gr dark chocolate [I used Modican chocolate flavoured with vanilla] very finely in a food processor. In separate bowls whip 300 ml whipping cream [panna da montare if you are in Italy] and the whites of 2 eggs to soft peaks. Now put everything in one bowl and add 2 teasp. icing sugar and a goodly drop or 6 of mint liqueur. Mix it all together well with a metal spoon. Transfer the mixture to the lined loaf tin, smoothing the top - which will become the base - with a palette knife. Cover carefully with more cling film and then with foil. Put in the freezer for at least 8 hours. It should turn out and slice easily.

If you can't get pure white chocolate with mint, I can only suggest that you use plain white chocolate and add more liqueur!


  1. I love semifreddos of all kinds - regular chocolate, hazelnut, whatever. They are easy to do, look impressive and taste deletable. (Did I just use the wrong grammar construction - deletable v. delectably?)

  2. That looks decidant. I don't think I've had anything semifreddo? I can't remember!

  3. A sprig of holly on top and it's a distinct Boxing Day pud candidate!

  4. Thank you, Pete. Nice of you to say so. Hi, Flutterby, I love them, too. Your grammar is fine. Hi, Lucia. I'm sure you have! A good idea, WW.

  5. This looks sooooo good and pretty easy to do. I will give it a try over the holidays!
