
Sunday, November 29, 2009


... and out on the balcony the winter fuchsia is thriving, despite my benign neglect:

Sicilians don't usually decorate until the Immacolata holiday on 8th December but I couldn't wait any longer! [The photos in the background are of the "White Christmas" I spent in Nevada in 2002. ]

Rosa helped me decorate on Thursday and luckily things did not end up like this:

Lucille Ball & Vivian Vance - Lucy and Viv at Christmas


  1. I'm getting prepared to start decorating and put up the tree (artificial, of course!). Plus I must start baking my shortbread cookies.

  2. I always wondered what fuscias actually look like... I always hear about them... in Miss Marple novels... on Gardener's Question Time.... etc... but I never had a clue what one looked like, till just now!

  3. PS Simi looks really wise by the way... is she?

  4. Soon be time to put up our tree I suppose. I don't feel much Christmas spirit this year...

  5. Is Christmas really that close?

  6. Yes it is and I have to get my act together very soon. I have to get through some birthdays first however before I can get psyched up for Christmas.

  7. Hi, Leslie. There's nothing like shortbread, is there? Hi, Gleds. Now you know! Simi is très sage. Hi, Cherie. It sort of crept up again this year! Hi, jams. I can't say I'm feeling very Xmasy myself. Hi, jmb. I've been a bit low so I can't say I'm into it yet. But I must make an effort for Simi!
