
Sunday, October 11, 2009


I have a milk allergy so don't often make a dish that requires cooked cream. However, Italian panna di cucina is much lighter than any type of British cream, and does not seem to upset me.

A recipe for a casserole of veal with pleurotus mushrooms [which are plentiful in Sicily at this time of year] caught my eye in the October Italian language edition of La Cucina Italiana and I prepared it last night. I cannot reproduce the copyright recipe here but can tell you that, in addition to the veal and mushrooms it contains only olive oil, onions and seasoning and is finished with the cream and garnished with parsley.

Very easy to make and a success!


  1. I don't think that I've encountered the Pleurotus before. The veal casserole looks simple and yummy. That reminds me, I've yet to dine today. I must remedy that!

  2. Hope you dined well, Nick. You don't have oyster mushrooms over there?

  3. I do the same recipe with pork and apples

  4. Sounds tasty and easy to make :-)

  5. Have you tried soya milk?
    I think I would like to try this with pork too.

  6. That sounds good, WW. Very easy, Cherie. Hi, Ellee. The thought of anything milky makes me feel sick, so soya milk doesn't help, I'm afraid. Yes, I'm sure the recipe would work with pork.

  7. Yes, I know that oyster mushrooms grow here. I need to develop my strength so I can again do my own shopping: my caregiver wouldn't know a mushroom from a melon.

  8. Yum! Markets full of mushrooms of all varieties (well, OK, all regional varieties!) at the moment ... No blasted huncos, though. Sorry.

  9. Heretical, impure and rubbish cook confesses: I use 'em with creme fraiche (wot, no accents?) stirred into the mix at the end of the cuisson, then served with rice as a Recession Strogranoff (i.e. no meat).
    The markets here have an abundance of mushrooms: wonderful!
    Mushrooming in the hills is fine, also - if in doubt, take them to a pharmacist. Can you also do that in Sicily, Pat?
    PS Word verif is now saying 'vainsag' to me. Is it taking the mick, d'ye suppose?!

  10. Hi, Phidelm. Now don't let me down - I'm relying on you to find me a hunco [preferably a rich one]. Your "recession stroganoff" sounds great to me. You could make money out of that idea, you know! I've never heard of anyone tking mushrooms to the pharmacist here. I'll find out. I think the word verif is playing games - I've had some strange ones this week!
