
Friday, October 23, 2009


It's 11.58 pm on Friday which means I am on time this week for my friend mountaingirl's Friday Photo Challenge! This week's theme is "match".

Whenever I buy a new item of clothing, I get stressed out trying to find accessories and make-up to match. Finding the right lipstick often involves rummaging through my make-up drawers in a complete panic or taking the item to the perfumery to match it up. But today I was lucky as I found I had a lippy that is an exact match for this blouse:

Later Cathy snapped me wearing both in my classroom:

And now, just for fun, ladies - and gentlemen, if it takes your fancy - here is a cool quiz from blogthings:

You Should Wear Bright Red Lipstick

In Your Face: Sexy and Flirty
Your look: Flawless Beauty
Your signature lip gloss flavor: Cherry


  1. My quiz results!!!

    .....You Should Wear Bright Red Lipstick
    In Your Face Sexy and Flirty

    Your look: Flawless Beauty

    Your signature lip gloss flavor: Cherry.....

    I would look terrible in bright red lipstick LOL

  2. Would my insomniac pink bloodshot eyes be worthy of a nomination?

  3. Why the panic? Plenty of time to find it.

  4. That's the same as mine, Cherie. I think you would look fine in bright red lippy! Definitely, DD! Hi, James. You know I always leave everything till the last minute...
