
Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I got back from work at 8.30 pm to find a carrier bag tied to the door. I knew it had to be from Lucia and inside was this bottle of oil made from her own olives. I could just gaze at the colour of it all night!


  1. Lovely and healthy! Wow.

    I had to tell you that we went to an Italian restaurant our last night in Paris and when I asked for some angel hair pasta covered in a bit of olive oil with garlic - I was told, "We don't have any garlic."

    I thought at first my ears had gone bad, then I thought perhaps something was going on I didn't know about, so when I returned to the U.S. I asked my daughter the chef - "They must have been impostors!" was her reply.

  2. Catching up as usual.

    What a wonderful present to find!

  3. What a lovely surprise :-)

  4. Yes, indeed, WW. Hi, Lucia. I think so, too. Ciao, Lady M. Love that story and your daughter's reaction! Hi, Liz and Cherie. Yes, lovely.
