
Thursday, October 08, 2009


Rowena had the idea of taking the "blue" meme a stage further by photographing blue objects outdoors. Here's what I came up with on my way to work today:

Blue October sky.

Blue water tank on top of house. [I wonder how often they have to call for the water lorry?]

Blue roadsigns.

Blue bus stop.

Blue wellies in shop window. [I so want these!]

Blue shutters at siesta time.

Shiny blue bags in shop window plus lunatic woman photographing them.

Zucchero - Blu


  1. And Berlusconi has the blues...

  2. And today, what I miss is the blue sky. A couple of friends came to visit and made their way to beautiful Sicily. I wish I could have gone with them....

  3. I know that Ispica sign.

  4. As well he might, WW! Hi, Bev. After the storms of last week, we have an amazing sky. I hope you come again soon. You have reason to remember it well, James!

  5. Lovely take on the meme, Welshcakes - fun, too!

  6. Again, you beat me in the game of blues! Honestly, I tried to sight more blue things when we were out doing errands in town, but either I'm color blind or deep, royal or sea blue does not exist here. Not even Lake Como (it's more like dark brown-green). The sky and signs...okay I have those, but the wellies are darrrrrling!

  7. Thanks, Phidelm. Hi, Rowena. Things must be bad if not even Lake Como is blue! Fight you for the wellies!!
