
Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This morning I espied these lovely black grapes on sale for 3 euros a crate

and this mound of chestnuts:

This evening, as I strolled back from work, more chestnuts had been brought in and were being roasted:

The young man's assistant pops them in a paper bag, sprinkles over a couple of pinches of seasalt and , when you get home, to quote that old chestnut [sorry] none of them is a hard nut to crack!


  1. This year seems to be a very, very good year for chestnuts...I wonder if it's any indication for the winter to come (read: lots of snow!).

  2. Well done, you - seasonal delights abounding! Bon appetit, dear Patrizia (I share your love of chestnuts).

  3. PS Huncos hibernating? Well, that's my excuse.
    But soft, what is this? That Word Verif of yours is saying 'nulco' to me. Enough already: am now off to sort the little blighter, complete with full francophone sound effects ;-).

  4. Ah~~~~
    Fresh Chestnuts with sea salt.
    Thank you for sharing. We don't see them in Texas.

  5. 3 euros a crate, wow. I love those black grapes. We have a black grape here called autumn royal. I wait eagerly for this time every year, they appear at this time each year and is wonderful.

  6. So that's how it's done.

  7. I love the smell of hot roasted chestnuts. They used to be sold in big braziers outside London theatres (before the health and safety brigade stopped it) and now its hard to even find chestnuts to roast.

    Grapes are overpriced here and with a price tag of £3 for a small punnet its enough to give you the pip!

  8. Those grapes look delicious :-)

  9. Anonymous12:17 am

    Nice grapes are 3.00 quid for two tiny plastic boxes here...

  10. Hi, Rowena. Yes, I haven't seen so many around before. It woukd be nice to get a bit of snow down here! Hi, WW. Yes, a sure sign! Hi, Phidelm. Buon apetito to you, too. Ha! Hibernating huncos! That will be the explanation! Hello, Rochambeau. What are the foods of autumn in Texas? Hi, Anne. I love black grapes, too. Well, that's how they do it here, James! Hi, DD. Yes, the smell is a very comforting one. I remember that hot roast chestnuts were a symbol of London in winter. What a pity that they have disappeared. And the price of grapes would give me the pip indeed! Hi, Cherie. They taste delicious too!

  11. Ah I aam green with envy at thos prices!

  12. Those grapes are a bargain :-)

  13. Jams and Sally: Yes, they are certainly a bargain!
