
Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Fruit and vegetables on display outside a small greengrocer's in Modica Bassa this morning:

Above: There are carob pods in the basket on the left.

Above: French beans are very popular here. I was amazed to see a woman inspecting a whole boxful of these by running them all through her fingers in the market on Thursday . No one chided her for doing so or for not having a pair of plastic gloves on.

Above: oregano is sold in dried bunches, as in the box. Sicilian oranges are just coming into season.


  1. I would love to see fresh fruit and veg on my way into work every morning :-)

  2. That's some tasty looking produce. Thanks for cruising by my place!

  3. Mmmm ... still lusting after the nougat and the almond brittle in previous post, Welshcakes! Excellent shots of the produce displays. Mediterranean markets are a joy. Haven't seen carob pods @ the Cours; but just about everything else is there!

  4. My sister and I love fresh dried Oregano...I think I'm going to try drying my own!

  5. I wish we could do that at Romford Market. Touch the fresh produce and you get a fine selection of the East End argot!

  6. Hi, Cherie. It is a heartening sight! Hello, Travis. Always a pleasure to visit you. Hi, Phidelm. Yes, there's something about Med markets. Hi, Lucia. That sounds like a good idea. Hi, jams. I can just imagine it!

  7. I obviously need to get more adveturous with my own veg honesty box!

  8. Hi, Mopsa. I know what a veg box is but what's a veg honesty box?
