Thursday, September 17, 2009


It's not easy to photograph your own arm, I've just discovered, and this is the best I could do:

For I have become a plastichichista, reader, and have so far purchased four of these silicone watches, which are the latest fashion craze here. Not only are they strong, waterproof and fun to wear, but as a bonus they come in these smart containers:

The silicone has, I read, been treated with tourmaline, which is said to attract and emit negative ions. So what I want to know is, if one watch can make you feel good, can four worn together make you believe you're that lucky girl, Elisabetta Canalis?


Anonymous said...

Who needs a watch? Let alone four... maybe a squid could use like eight?

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Mutley. I think they'd look rather good on an octopus!

Unknown said...

They're cute! May I suggest that to photograph yourself, you allow Simi to take the picture. (That was Alex's idea).

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

That is very intelligent of Alex, Nick. Simi thinks so, too.

Minnie said...

I hadn't seen these before - how ingenious! Love the colours and design. Practical, too. But a tiny bit doubtful about the effect of those ions ...!

Unknown said...

Now I am not a watch wearer but these look so cool I will be joining the trend when it gets to Australia lol. Nothing like an impulse purchase :-)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Phidelm . They appeared in a rather smart store only about a fortnight ago. I've already seen imitations in the market! Hi, mg. I'm sure the trend will spread to Oz soon. I agree with you re impulse purchases!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

PS - Phidelm: I'll believe anything, me!

Gledwood said...

Salvador Dali would have loved those watches!!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Gleds. He would, wouldn't he?

Peter @ italyMONDO! said...

"plastichichista" say that three times fast! :-P

sally in norfolk said...

wow i want one of these watches.... been looking for a nice watch for months now :-)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Peter. Difficult! The "h" is there to harden the c in "chista", of course. Hi, Sally. I'm glad they appeal to you as well.


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