
Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Whilst you are all awaiting [as I'm sure you must be, with bated breath] the next cookery school episode, here is a nice story which Katia told me today:
All Italy is in a panic over the swine 'flu "epidemic", so yesterday afternoon Katia attended a parents' meeting on the subject at her daughter's nursery school. The parents were advised to tell their three-year-old children not to touch their mouths or ears, touch their friends, put toys near their mouths or play with their friends' toys - in short, they are not to do any of the things a three-year-old normally does hundreds of times a day. The children are to be exhorted to sneeze into a tissue and wash their hands before touching virtually anything whilst counting up to 20 . Katia was just wondering how many of her daughter's companions actually knew how to count to 20 when another mother piped up,
"My son tried to do that but the bidelli [the ubiquitous porters who keep every Italian school running] told him to hurry up!"
Moral: If you are going to issue new rules for children, it is a good idea to inform the adults who have to deal with them.


  1. All those rules sound a bit complicated to me!

  2. Soap and water is meant to be the best remedy for most germs. And in the case of flu NOT wiping hands on eyes or mouth ...

    I don't know about you but they're giving out free flu vaccine to anyone who asks for it. Or flu pills/whatever. But I wouldn't bother with it. At best that tamiflu stuff reduces the course of the illness by ONE DAY ... so why bother??!?

  3. Hi, Cherie. Too complicated for little ones, I think. Hi, Gleds. Here I think the vaccine is going to be given to vulnerable people first. I believe I am entitled because I'm asthmatic. I didn't know it only reduced the course of the thing for a day!

  4. The should have let a 3-year-old run the meeting.

  5. Ha! You 're right, Nick - they might have got somewhere then!

  6. Telling small children not to touch ...? Cue hollow laugh, closely followed by strangled cry! Poor Katia and her fellow mums, they must be feeling a bit nonplussed to say the least.
