
Sunday, August 09, 2009


My good friend the Winchester Whisperer recommended the Ottolenghi Cookbook to me so of course I sent for it and I'm very glad I did. When I get a new cookbook, I first read it through as though it were a novel, then I go back and pick out the recipes or new ideas I want to try. One of these ideas is to grill peaches for use in salad and another is the use of sumac in salad. [I'm fond of sumac and have some that a kind friend sent from the UK.] So this evening, having abandoned a plan to embark on a complicated dish because of lack of time, I decided to incorporate these ideas into a salad. Here's what I did:

First I marinated 3 very thin, skinless chicken fillets in 2 tablesp balsamic vinegar [as I am wont to do] for 2 hours. Later I dealt with the peaches: you have to stone and cut each one into 6 wedges [I used 2], then marinate these for a few minutes in a little olive oil with seasalt and black pepper. When you are ready, heat a ridged griddle pan, lift the peaches out of their bowl with a slotted spoon and grill for 1 minute on each side. Lift off the pan and put on a plate to cool. Then, without wiping or washing the pan, cook the chicken fillets [which you have dried a little with kitchen paper] for 1 minute on each side also. Lift off and let them cool until you can handle them. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Put whatever salad leaves you have into a bowl with some basil leaves, sun-dried tomatoes and the chicken and peach pieces. Whisk up a dressing consisting of 2 tablesp olive oil, 1 tablesp of honey, seasoning, some dried oregano and some sumac and dress the salad. This will serve 2 people very generously.


  1. I read cookbooks like that too :-)

    That recipe looks really tasty.

  2. Delicious, Welshcakes! A friend will be coming to supper here soon, and this dish would be just the thing. WW really is a mine of information - as are you! Thank you.

  3. I'm glad I'm not alone in that, Cherie! Thank you. Thank you, too, Phidelm. I'm pleased that the idea appeals to you.

  4. Delicious looking as always Welshcakes. I tend not to read cookbooks as much as I used to as I go searching on the web instead.

  5. Brava, WL! I haven't ever bought sumac but shall look out for it. I made the mini fruit tarts with marscapone cream at the weekend which were well received. I love the vegetable recipes in that book!

  6. Thanks, Saretta. Hi, jmb. i still prefer books for recipes. Thanks, WW. Yes, the vegetable recipes are quite something. Thanks again for the recommendation.
