
Monday, August 31, 2009


The postman, who comes round for English lessons on Monday evenings, spotted it first: "C'è uno scorpione!" he cried as he bounded up the stairs and into the flat. Now, anything spider-like scares me but I bravely took a closer look [with the postman beside me]. These are the pictures I managed to take before running away:

The second and third pictures have, of course, been enlarged [because I wasn't getting any closer] and in these the thing looks like a lizard, albeit a nasty one, doesn't it? I don't like the upturned tail, though.

I spoke to a friend who said it's probably a gecko, although scorpions do come out in the humidity, and it doesn't help that the word scorpione can refer to both a scorpion and a gecko in Sicily. The postman said it was definitely a scorpion type of scorpion and he didn't volunteer to deal with it!

So are there any gecko or scorpion experts out there? What do you think?

Non-British readers and you young things can find out about the original Lurcio here.


  1. O it's a gecko alright and it's gorgeous. How cute are those little toes! I remember as a child catching geckos and putting them on my face. Their toes have sticky pads on the underside which helps them cling to walls. And faces :)

  2. Oh, thank you, diver. I am relieved! I admit it looks quite cute in the second photo but it looked evil and black from the stairs! Thanks for the information about the toes, too.

  3. I'm not an expert, but it looks like a gecko to me. If not, I'm in real trouble because these things are everywhere at my house. They've never hurt us though, so I think you're safe.

    Love your blog, by the way!

  4. As diver has said, definitely a gecko! The sucker feet digits was the first clue. They MULTIPLY in Hawaii like nobody's business, and we don't mind having them around as they do keep the pesky insect population in check!

  5. That ain't no scorpion - it's lovely. something from the lizard/gecko family with wonderful toe pads. Rest soundly! Your postie has a vivid imagination and poor grasp of natural history - but I bet he has lots of marvellous traits.

  6. What happened to your pet lizard?

  7. I like gekko's a lot. Geckos are cool. (However you spell it?)

  8. Seconded: a gecko. May the scorpions leave you alone!

  9. It's definitely a gecko! I used to get freaked out by them in campagnia while eating my pasta with oil and garlic at 10:00 p.m. at night. Why do they eat so late in campagnia?

  10. I think he looks quite cute without the enlargement!!!

  11. Hi, Emily and welcome. I'm so glad you think it's a gecko, too! I'm also very happy that you like my blog. Hi, Rowena. Phew! I'm so relieved it's a gecko! Hi, Mopsa. Oh, thank you. I did sleep better after everyone saying it was a gecko! The postman is a very interesting man who goes to tons of different classes! Hi, WW. Leapy the cupboard-dwelling lizard hasn't appeared for weeks. I think he was hiding from the heat in there. Or maybe he's gone off to produce some little leapies. Hi, Gleds. Well, I think it looks quite cute in the second photo but it didn't look cute on the wall! Thanks, Phidelm. Qu'ils s'en aillent! Oh, so glad to hear that, Lucia! You mean in the countryside? I think it's a habit all over Italy. I was shocked at the early dining in the US! Here nobody eats before at least 9.30 pm, even in winter, a habit which I like. I quite often eat as late as midnight but that's 'cos I'm always mucking around on fb, twitter or here! Hi, Cherie. So do I, from a distance! The postman just freaked me out when he said it was a scorpion so I didn't look too closely!

  12. It's definitely a lovely little gecko ! We are Brits living in Brunei, Borneo and have these running around the walls and ceilings every night, inside and outside. They are great as they help keep other predators at bay and make a cute chattering sound which can be quite loud.

  13. Hello, The Morleys. Welcome and thanks for the information. You sound very adventurous!
