
Monday, August 03, 2009


This is a quick and stress-free way to get some involtini [filled and rolled meat slices] on the table:

For 4 people:

8 escalopes of veal - get the butcher to pound them as thin as possible for you
8 slices Parma or San Daniele ham
fresh sage leaves
a good splash of white wine
seasalt and freshly ground black pepper

Place a slice of ham and a couple of sage leaves on each escalope. Roll the escalopes up from the short ends so that the ham and sage are on the inside. Secure with kitchen string if you like - I don't think it's really necessary. Place in a shallow, lightly oiled, ceramic or glass roasting dish. Season the escalopes to taste and splash some white wine over - enough to almost cover them. Cook in an oven heated to 180C for about 35 minutes. To serve, lift the involtini out of the dish with a slotted spoon and put them on a serving dish. Cut off the string if used, drizzle a little of the winey liquid over them and add some sage leaves to garnish.

Buon pranzo.


  1. Hi WL...these are lovely with a tomato based sauce..yummy!!

    Got so much blogging to catch up on, reading and posting...but in need of a rest :-) so might just read, until I have something to put up.!!

  2. It sounds delicious, does it get served with a side dish?

  3. Hi, Anne. That's a good idea. We all need a rest from blogging now and then. Hi, Cherie. I serve it with a salad or with peas.

  4. Ohhh this one sounds delicious, I'd love to taste it, wonder if I can convince my middle child to cook it for me, he loves trying new things! I imagine they would be nice and tender cooked like this?

  5. Mmm, Welshcakes - one of my favourite dishes, de-mystified! Love the taste of sage with veal and ham ... Thank you.

  6. My goodness you're inventive.

  7. Looks very good but it's very difficult to find veal in supermarkets these days

  8. Delicious and a delight for the eyes Welshcakes. We don't get great veal here, it just doesn't seem as popular as over there.

  9. Sorry about the late replies, folks:
    Thanks, Kyles. Very tender. The trick is to get really thin escalopes in the first place [or bash them thin with a mallet]. Glad you like this idea, Phidelm. Hi, James. I sort of mixed theideas of several friends I've watched make similar involtini. Hi, WW. When I was in Cardiff I could only get veal from one butcher in the market there. Thanks, jmb. It is so popular here and cheap.

  10. Cooked this last night with beans and potatoes from the garden - delicious, and of course we had to finish the wine once it was opened. I live in Cardiff - and got the veal from my local butcher, Mike's, top of Cathedral Road. Did not know he sold it - I will be doing more veal recipes now! Thank you WL

  11. Hello, Kitchen Queen. I am so glad it turned out well. I know the butcher you mean! I hadn't realised he sold veal. I used to go to Redd's hairdresser's in Pontcanna Street and I'd often get my weekend meat at Mike's afterwards. Thank you for bringing a little bit of "home" to my comments section.

  12. pleasure (bringing a little bit of home) but not as much pleasure as we get from seeing your corner of Sicily and dreaming...

  13. You are very kind, Kitchen Queen.
