
Monday, July 27, 2009


If bargains are to be had in Modica's shops, they are certainly to be had in the market during this period. On Thursday I bought:

This dress. It's in cool cotton and I now have this style in purple and black as well.

These three-quarter-length trousers:

Three bras for 1 euro each and they all fit! [No, I'm not going to take a picture!]

A kitchen curtain for 10 euros [like the one on the right in the video, only green].

An enormous pot of my favourite, locally produced, orange-flower honey.

Here are 13 seconds of the atmosphere:

Finally, I just had to buy this, not in the market but in a shop:

I think I've finally restocked my summer wardrobe!


  1. LOVE your new dress & wish I could wear something like it. It's been so hot here lately - in the mid-80's and I know we shouldn't complain because the winter rains will be back soon enough.

  2. Your new dress looks lovely. I've just come back from shopping at the local mall, where I picked up a new coat for my daughter, in the sales. It's warming up here in Sydney but I think she'll still get a few weeks wear out of it this season.

    It was so interesting to see your little clip, capturing the atmosphere ot Modica market, also to watch your video where you so eloquently (I am sure) spoke alongside your poet. You are a woman of many talents.

  3. I love your blue dress, it is very stylish and stunning, was that from the market?
    The bras are certainly good buys, and beat Asda prices.

  4. You have a wonderful eye for good finds. Have you experience Catania's big market, the Fiera? You would certainly love it.

  5. Bonjour, Welshcakes - good buys, all. Great to see that Italian markets are still as wonderful as I remember them from years ago. Your new dress looks absolutely lovely - as does Simi!

  6. Which bag did you take with you to match the dress?

  7. A very nice dress which suits you admirably. I like you choice of colors also. Great to see you and Ms Simi again :)

  8. Thsnks, Leslie. I don't see why you couldn't wear something like it. When does your winter start? Hi, Mary and thank you. I'm so glad you liked the clip and video. Thanks, Ellee. Yes, from the market. Thanks, Lost. No, I've not been to the Fiera market but I'm on my way! Many thanks, Phidelm. Simi says "Salut". AmitiƩs. Hi, James. A blue and white one. Nunyaa, great to see you, too. Thank you. Thanks, WW.

  9. And very lovely you look too.

    I'm not going to tell you how much I spent on 3 bras from madame Foner last week!

  10. Thank you, Liz. You do cheer me up.I swear I am going to visit that shop when I next come over!

  11. Love that dress and it sounds like you had a great time :-)

  12. Welshcakes you look so summery in your new dress. You sure do score some great bargains whilst shopping. Beautiful items.:)
