
Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I invented this at lunchtime today.

If you ask for one chicken breast in Italy, you will get both halves of the breast. [It will already be boned and skinned and the butcher will trim it automatically for you.] In Britain, you will get one half and you will usually have to ask for it to be boned and skinned. Therefore ask for one breast in Italy and two in Britain!

With regard to the tomato sauce, you need some to which you added some chopped red chilli pepper or chilli seasoning while making it. Failing that, chuck chilli seasoning to taste into just over half a pint of passata.

To serve 4 people you need:

3 tablesp olive oil
2 chicken breast halves [see above], cut into bite-sized pieces
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
300 gr mushrooms, sliced
1 can or jar of grilled or roasted red and yellow peppers, drained
300 ml [just over half a pint] homemade "hot" tomato sauce [see above]
200 ml white wine
coarse seasalt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oil in a deep, wide pan or wok and add the chicken. Stir it around until browned on all sides. Add the onion and garlic and brown these too. Chuck everything else in, stir around well, bring to boil, slap a cover on the pan and let it all simmer for about 50 mins, stirring occasionally.


  1. That looks and sounds delicious, I will have to give it a go :-)

  2. Yes, I second Cherie: that looks like just the thing for a spot of self-indulgence this weekend, after a hard week. Gorgeous (I love that combination of tomato, mushroom, pepper and chili) ... mmm! Grazie tante, Welshcakes.

  3. Oh, now that is too yummy for words.

  4. Oh,Yummy. I seriously think you need a taster who can eat your dishes just to make sure that they are ok. I am very willing to apply for this prestigious job.

  5. Looks wonderful - just the thing for a cold, wet summer evening.

  6. It does indeed look and sound delicious. Yum.

    And reminds me of a Q-story. When she was about two we were waiting at the butcher's, there was a long queue (this becomes a major point in the story) and I was holding her on my hip. When we reached the counter I ask for two breasts and my daughter in a very loud voice, turns, looks into my eyes, pats my chest and says, "But Mom you already HAVE two breasts!"
    Oh yes, there were people who tried not to laugh out loud, but for the most part as we left there were people wiping their eyes from the laughter tears that had leaked out! My face matched my hair colour!

  7. YOur food always looks so delicious.

  8. mm, that sounds easy and tasty.

  9. Very interesting about how to my the chicken breasts..:-)

    I make something like this, have done for a while, we love it, but I am going to follow your recipe and see the difference :-)

  10. Cherie, Phidelm, James: Thank you. DD, you can come and be my taster! Thanks, WW. Lady M, thank you so much for sharing that lovely story. Dear Q.... Thanks, jams. Yes, it's very easy, Liz. Hi, Anne. Let me know how it turns out.

  11. This looks fabulous Welshcakes. But cooking in all that heat must be no fun.

  12. I really must come and have dinner with you one night, what a feast you prepare.

  13. Hi, jmb. It's not too bad at lunchtime with the kitchen doors open, or late in the evening. And very welcome you will be, dear Ellee.
