
Friday, July 24, 2009


The other day I reported that the water service was functioning again and many of my kind commenters were happy and relieved for me. However, last night the supply in the condominio ran out yet again. I wasn't too worried, for as soon as I heard that the lorries were delivering again I rang the Water Office to book our next truckload of 10 cubic meters. This was on Monday.

When I phoned our lorry driver this morning to ask if he could deliver today, he said that, as a delivery had been requested, he thought so. Then a neighbour saw him delivering further up the street and he informed her that the Office had said we wouldn't get any water for another 7 - 10 days! [The temperature has reached over 40 C today.] So there was nothing for it but to ask the lorry driver for a delivery a pagamento and, as of half an hour ago, we have water but I am 35 € poorer. I am going to insist that the other tenants chip in this time!

The driver told me that when he went to the Office to find our bolleta, the note that authorises him to make the delivery, he couldn't locate it because there was a montagna of them, such is the demand on the service in the heat. I understand that and of course, none of this is his fault, but heat in Sicily in July is hardly a new phenomenon, is it?! Ah, well, pazienza.

I loved Tommy Steele as a child and this was the "B" side of "A Handful of Songs" - on 78 rpm vinyl!

Tommy Steele - Water, Water


  1. You seem to pay the water dept. a lot! What up with the neighbors, they would do without??

  2. Well I hope that gets sorted out soon!

  3. Ah, Welshcakes - just when you want (and need!) to relax a bit ... Good for you, tho' for taking responsibility. And, yes, I'd say the co-residents owe you: €35, ce n'est pas rien, quand-meme!
    40deg? That's off the scale! Ini-mag-inable ...We're bad-tempered, baking & suffocating enough here, as it is (at a much lower temp)!
    Bon weekend tout de meme, bisous P.

  4. Ciao! Wow... I am so sorry to hear about the water troubles! How awful this is heat! I am glad you were able to get some though. Keep us all posted!

    I have so enjoyed reading your blog! There is a little treat waiting for you over at Ciao Amalfi:

    Stay cool this weekend! :-)

  5. Water is such a precious commodity. Such an immense necessity in sweltering temperatures.

  6. How did your neighbours get their water before you arrived there? Why don't they pay now, they must of paid then?..Don't know what they would do without you :-)

  7. You know ten cubic metres of water weighs TEN METRIC TONNES..!!!

  8. Hi, pink. Well, it doesn't seem to bother them much. They have other properties that they can go to when it runs out. Lucky them! Me too, Cherie. Hi, Phidelm. Well, it's sorted - for now - but I could have done without all that in this heat1 Bon weekend. Hi, Laura. The heat has been dreadful today. Some report temps of 48+!! I love your blog too, especially my surprise! I'll do the post about it tomorrow. Thank you again. x Hi, Ardent. I took it for granted before coming here. Hi, Anne. Some of them always seem to be away when we run out! I had no idea, Gleds! No wonder the tank keeps cracking!

  9. Maybe you could pin a piece of paper in the lobby which states when you personally have paid for the water for the block?
