
Friday, July 31, 2009


Positive Day is the inspiration of a 12-year old girl and you can read all about the idea here. I am delighted to be taking part.

Like everyone else, I've had my troubles, particularly during this past year, so today presents me with a great opportunity to list all the things I am grateful for in this life:

I am grateful to have had a biological mother who gave me a chance.

I am grateful to have been brought up by 4 people who not only taught me how to love, but also how to show love: my Mum, Dad, Great Aunt Mabel and my Grandpa.

I am grateful for wonderful friends in Italy, in Britain and all over the world through blogging and social networking sites.

I am grateful for Rosa, my "cleaning lady" who has become my secretary, my confidante and my close friend. If there is a God, I truly believe He sent me Rosa, for she has made such a difference to my life. She is pictured here with her husband, who also helps me a lot.

I am grateful for books and for being a linguist.

I am grateful that I live in a beautiful part of the wonderful country I fell in love with at 19.

And I am thankful for every moment I spend with my precious Simi.


  1. Brava, Welshcakes - to you, for you and for all these blessings. Most of all, for your ability to appreciate them to the full + share your insights and knowledge with others.

  2. That's a wonderful list of "greatfuls," Pat! Also a lovely photo of Simi! Alex agrees!

  3. It really gives us all pause when we stop to realize all the things for which we can be grateful. And I'm grateful for having found you whom I consider a friend. Have a great day! :D

  4. I am pleased that you think so, Nick. And Simi is very happy that you both like her photo! Hi, Leslie. Yes, it does give us pause. I am very happy to be your friend and, as you know, happy for you. You have a good day too! x

  5. And I am grateful for your daily posts and for a blogger friend like you! Stay cool.

  6. Thank you, Lucia. It's great to have a friend like you.

  7. The photos you included with this post are wonderful. You have so many things to be thankful for - a truly positive list.

    Thank you for participating today. It has been so nice getting to know you through Positive Day.

  8. You are certainly blessed! Happy Positive Day! :)

  9. I'm here from Jen's linky.

    I share your passion for books. I'm not a linguist, but I do enjoy the use of language.

    Happy Positive Day!

  10. How lovely. How warm.

  11. Everything you're grateful and thankful for rings true with so many of us - the really important things in life - our friends and family, small delights and pleasure in where we live and what that means to us - thank you for reminding us of this and for being a constant presence through your wonderful blog and the friendship we're building.

  12. A lovely heartwarming post. So many good things to be thankful for.

  13. sometimes we forget about all the things we should be thankful for this was a lovely post to read :-) x

  14. Thank you, Jennifer and thank you again to your Diva daughter. It was and is a wonderful idea. I am so happy to have "met" you both. I am indeed, Cherie. Hope you've had a good one, too. Hello, Travis and welcome. I understand it was you who came up with the clever PD logo - well done. It's so nice to meet people who also love books and language. Thank you, Mopsa. Thank you, dear Sally. The friendships I build here are very important to me, as you know, and I am proud to be a friend of yours. Thank you, Cherrypie. Thank you, Sally - much appreciated.x

  15. Anonymous12:09 am

    This was excellent. So many positive things. Happy Positive Day, 2009. Aloha

  16. Thank you, Thom. I hope you had a good Positive Day, too.

  17. Thanks, WW. The photo was taken in my garden in the UK.
