
Thursday, July 23, 2009


"Positive Day" is the inspiration of a 12-year-old girl and you can read all about it here. I'll be joining in on July 31st and I hope you will, too. If you have a blog, please write about the positive things in your life; if you don't, I hope you'll feel positive after your blog visiting on that day.


  1. Trying to catch up on blog visiting! How much better you're looking - especially with the tan. I must get the fake tan out on my legs too. Currently they're usually a mud-colour!

    How wonderful to hear someone you've known so long singing as a professional. she looks lovely too.

    What good friends you have. I like the pink dress - and the ice cream! Your grandpa was definitely ahead of his time.

  2. Salut, Welshcakes. Had a quick look this am & thought 'hm. Not really my thing.' Thought again, 'cos that's the whole point isn't it?! Will try on that day. Thank you for challenge.
    + 2 points meant to raise:
    1) love the pix of you looking pretty in bright colours - esp as I love vibrant colour &, as it can't bear me, these are a treat.
    2). Spotted bag + sandals in Hermes window identical to your scarlet ones, only costing arm + leg. Give yourself an extra pat on back for bargain!

  3. Thank you so much for this post! It definitely makes me feel positive today *smiles*

  4. It will be a nice way to finsih up the Official Silly Week.

  5. What an excellent idea Welshcakes

  6. Hi, Liz. I know the feeling! Glad you think I look better. I feel better than I have for years! Yes, it was a wonderful experience watching Adri perform on Saturday. Also glad you like the pink dress. My Grandpa was lovely.
    Bonsoir, Phidelm. Glad you're going to give it a go too. Thanks for the compliment re clothes. You have cheered me up re bag and sandals!
    Thanks, Jennifer. Simi the dog and I are proud to participate and now you have Phidelm in France, too. Best wishes to Diva Daughter.
    Yes, it will , James. Could you publicise this one, too?
    Glad it appeals to you, jmas. Hope you join in!
